Qt Installer Framework for online updates
Hello everyone!
I have faced with the problem and with the lack of detailed information (and examples) about online update with QtIF. What I have done and can do (Windows examples):
- Make offline installer, it's quite simple, just use something like this:
<somepath>\binarycreator.exe -c build\installer\config\config.xml -p build\installer\packages build\installer\TestApp-0.1.1-x64-Setup-offline
- Create a repository (and publish it somewhere, e.g. localhost or external http server)
<somepath>\repogen.exe -p build\installer\packages -i com.organization.TestApp --update build\repository
- Create an online installer, just modifying the offline line:
<somepath>\binarycreator.exe -p <somepath>\installerbase.exe -c build\installer\config\config.xml -p build\installer\packages -e com.organization.TestApp build\installer\TestApp-0.1.1-x64-Setup-online
In this case my online installer catches all necessary packages that have been published somewhere and use it while installation. So repository and packages are generated well.
But I can not get the correct workflow with a publishing updates. Let's suppose that I have new version of my perfect TestApp, lets say, 0.1.2. All config files where the version is used are being updated well. What is the correct way to update repositories? What command should be run? What flags should be used and what files should be updated in my repository? In the current case (after changing the version, building new installers and updating repository with step 2) the already installed application can not find any updates with the
that have been installed during the first installation of the version 0.1.1.I would be glad about any clarification (I have checked the all possible guides and documentation, but can not get the correct workflow).