Merging two smart installer SIS packages into one
I want to create a SIS package containing two (or more) SIS packages created with Smart Installer. Here is my pkg script:
@; Language
&EN; Default localized vendor name
%{"Vendor"}; Default unique vendor name
:"Vendor"; SIS header: name, uid, version
#{"My Full installer"},(0x2115BE6C),1,0,0; Manual PKG pre-rules from PRO files
; Default dependency to Qt libraries
; Default HW/platform dependencies
@The problem is that this SIS fails miserably with "Unable to install" message after the phone tries to actually install it. Trying this on Nokia 701 with Belle. My guess is that this is because Smart Installer SIS is already embedding multiple packages, and embedding it once more time causing troubles. Anyway, is there some smart way to bundle multiple smart installer packages into one?
I've started digging deeper now. Seems that it is smartinstaller.sis that is causing problems. I've changed the pkg script so that it includes sis packages with no smart installer, and including smart installer separately:
; Language
&EN; Default localized vendor name
%{"Vendor"}; Default unique vendor name
:"Vendor"; SIS header: name, uid, version
#{"My Full installer"},(0x2002CCCF),1,0,0; Manual PKG pre-rules from PRO files
; Default dependency to Qt libraries
; Default HW/platform dependencies
@It seems that installation works perfectly fine with the last line commented, and fails when I have it uncommented. Wonder why this is happening?