Use of transparent .png and .gif
Seems to me the goal of Qt Quick is to help make a UI as easy to program as a webpage. However, the failure to handle transparent images in QML as easily as in HTML is disappointing. (Always get opaque white replacing the transparency.)
I have seen several "solutions" on the web, but none seem to cause the view window to behave as expected. Just a suggestion, but it seems like there should be one simple attribute to set in the QDeclarativeView object for this expected behavior...
I got this to work - thankfully, changing only my qml. For the benefit of others, here is what was needed:
Rectangle {
id: btn1
color:"transparent" <<<<<<<<<<<< add this or the "transparent" area is the color of the 'Rectangle' (defaults to white)
width: 154; height: 101
x: 107; y: 218
Image { id:btn1up; source: "images/all_transparent.png" }
MouseArea { id: mouseArea1; anchors.fill: parent; onPressed: { someData.btnMode() } }
states: State {
when: mouseArea1.pressed
PropertyChanges { target: btn1up; source: "images/some_transparent.png" }
@[EDIT: code formatting, please wrap in @-tags, Volker]