How to convert bytearray of 64 bit to readable form of data
Hi All
I have following data which
I tried to convert it as shown below but still I m getting the same format.
@QByteArray text = QByteArray::fromHex("UEsDBBQAAAAIAKtGLEAhtt64Xy8AAHWpAgBMAGYAU3ltcGhvbnlQbHVzL3Byb2plY3RzL0lFQzYx");; @How to resolve this.
A hex string should have only capitals characters from A to F in your code there is U, K ...
Indeed Lukas is base 64:
PK����«F,@!¶Þ¸_/��u©�L�f�SymphonyPlus/projects/IEC61. Anyway i think it's not coded right... must also be converted to an utf format or something...