WordUnderCursor not working (word being detected when not on top of any words)
Hi everyone!
Why is a word being detected as being under the cursor here? The red arrow in the image starts where the cursor actually is. No matter where I place it, as long as it is inside the window, the program thinks a word is being selected. If the cursor is below the text, it defaults to the very last one. If the cursor is above, it defaults to the first one.Thanks a lot!
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTextEdit, QMainWindow, QApplication from PyQt5.QtGui import QMouseEvent, QTextCursor class Editor(QTextEdit): def __init__(self): super(Editor, self).__init__() # make sure this widget is tracking the mouse position at all times self.setMouseTracking(True) def mouseMoveEvent(self, mouse_event: QMouseEvent) -> None: if self.underMouse(): # create a QTextCursor at that position and select text text_cursor = self.cursorForPosition(mouse_event.pos()) text_cursor.select(QTextCursor.WordUnderCursor) word_under_cursor = text_cursor.selectedText() print(word_under_cursor) # replace substring with placeholder so that repeat occurrences aren't highlighted as well selected_word_placeholder = self.replace_selected_text_with_placeholder(text_cursor) word_under_cursor = '<span style="background-color: #FFFF00;font-weight:bold;">' + word_under_cursor + '</span>' # replace the sentence with the new formatting self.setHtml(self.toPlainText().replace(selected_word_placeholder, word_under_cursor)) def replace_in_html(self, old_string, new_string): old_html = self.toHtml() new_html = old_html.replace(old_string, new_string) self.setHtml(new_html) # use placeholder so that repeat occurrences of the word are not highlighted def replace_selected_text_with_placeholder(self, text_cursor): # remove the selected word to be replaced by the placeholder text_cursor.removeSelectedText() # create a placeholder with as many characters as the original word word_placeholder = '' for char in range(10): word_placeholder += '@' text_cursor.insertText(word_placeholder) return word_placeholder def set_up(main_window): title_editor = Editor() title_editor.setText('Venda quente original xiaomi redmi airdots 2 tws fones de ouvido sem fio bluetooth fones controle ai gaming headset come') main_window.setCentralWidget(title_editor) main_window.show() application = QApplication([]) window = QMainWindow() set_up(window) application.exec()
Looking at the implementation, I would say it gives you the text cursor "closest" to your mouse position.
The thing the OP may not like is that for thetext_cursor.select(QTextCursor.WordUnderCursor)
the docs state:Selects the word under the cursor. If the cursor is not positioned within a string of selectable characters, no text is selected.
It's hard to see how "If the cursor is not positioned within a string of selectable characters" comes about for the OP given where he's trying to place it away from any words.
Given the implementation ofcursorForPosition(mouse_event.pos())
I think you would have to look at just where the mouse position is to detect it's not really on any word.