Struggling to remove toolbar [N9]
I am trying to remove the toolbar from an (otherwise) working application. My QML looks like this:
@import QtQuick 1.1
import 1.0PageStackWindow {
id: rootWindow
initialPage: mainPage
showStatusBar: false
showToolBar: falsePage {
id: mainPage orientationLock: PageOrientation.LockPortrait ...QML describing the page here...
I have also tried to use this:
@PageStackWindow {
id: rootWindow
initialPage: mainPage
showStatusBar: falseToolBarLayout {
id: commonTools
visible: false
}Page {
tools: null
id: mainPage
orientationLock: PageOrientation.LockPortrait
@But to no avail. I'm pulling my hair out: how do I remove the toolbar?
Many thanks,
My template looks different than yours. Mine looks like this:
@PageStackWindow {
id: window
initialPage: MainPage {tools: toolBarLayout}
showStatusBar: false
showToolBar: false@where the toolBarLayout is defined after this block. By commenting out the "{tools: toolBarLayout}" I'm able to get it to disappear.
like so:
@PageStackWindow {
id: window
initialPage: MainPage //{tools: toolBarLayout}
showStatusBar: false
showToolBar: false@probably not the most elegant solution :P let me know if you figure it out, thanks :)
Thanks for your response - and I actually just figured it out. I was starting my app running .show(), when I should have been using showFullScreen(). In showFullScreen() my code (and yours) actually does what it's supposed to do...
Oh well, glad it's working now :-)
Cheers, Robert
Thanks very much for this - I was getting the toolbar in a non-QML application (just Qt and C++) and wasn't sure how to get rid of it.
I replaced my show() and showMaximised() statements with showFullScreen() as you suggested and it works well.
Thanks again!!