Changing width / height of played video file on phonon video widget
In an application when I have ui created in Qt Designer with added QStackedWidget , I create
Phonon::MediaObject *mediaObject;
Phonon::MediaSource *mediaSource;
Phonon::VideoWidget * videow;
@and add videow to the stacked widget by :
@objects creations and connections:
@ videow = new Phonon::VideoWidget(this); videow->setScaleMode(Phonon::VideoWidget::FitInView); videow->setFixedSize(w,h); this->ui->stackedWidget->insertWidget(0,videow) mediaObject = new Phonon::MediaObject(this); Phonon::createPath(mediaObject,videow); QString fileName = "video1.avi"; mediaSource = new Phonon::MediaSource(fileName); mediaObject->setCurrentSource(*mediaSource); connect(videow,SIGNAL(finished()),this,SLOT(playEnded()));
and then play video file by invoking
@When I run the program built in release mode , having above code ,
the video file is played on Phonon::VideoWidget that is inserted into QStackedWidget but with dimensions not set by mine at the code above ( w , h ) but with source dimensions of the .avi file ( 640*480 for a case ) file.
And I get the following warning :
Warning: driver is sending image at 640x480@Does anybody know what is the bug in changing playing video dimensions ?
Does anybody know how to change display video width , height in the Phonon::VideoWidget ?Thanks in advance