Missing functionality from Phonon for video capture devices
I've been looking around for days for an easy way to get webcam support in Qt using Phonon. For a while it looked like I would have to write backend connections between the native video libraries like MMF, DShow, and V4L and Phonon until I stumble upon "someone who was already working on those capabilities.":http://wm161.net/2009/12/29/webcams-in-phonon/ I noticed that this was from a few years ago and followed up on his work which eventually led me to "this post":http://wm161.net/2010/07/14/in-which-our-hero-discovers-his-work-already-done/ and "this merge request on Gitorious":http://gitorious.org/phonon/phonon/merge_requests/14 That shows that webcam support in the backend modules of Phonon was already added a year and a half ago! Upon this discovery I decided to go digging in my Qt 4.8 installation and discovered that the changes made to the Phonon source are not shipped with Qt 4.8.
So what gives with that? Is this because of the decision to replace Phonon with QtMultimedia in Qt 5.0? Has anyone successfully built and installed the newer versions of Phonon in Qt?
Hi Taylor,
I'm not sure about Qt 4.8, but here's what the "porting guide":http://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/qt5-stable/qtdoc/portingguide.html says about Qt 5:
[quote]In Qt 5, multimedia support is provided by the "Qt Multimedia":http://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/qt5-stable/qtmultimedia/qtmultimedia-index.html module. Phonon framework is no longer part of Qt, but it continues to be maintained by the Phonon developers and has support for Qt 5. See http://phonon.kde.org.[/quote]
It sounds like you can integrate the latest version Phonon (which includes webcam support) with Qt 5. The best people to ask are the Phonon maintainers at KDE.