[Solved] QWidget children problem
I am making a text editor. My main window is a QMainWindow and I have two child windows that are QWidget.
When I call my child I set the mainWindow as parent the two window merge and it create a weird window with a lot of glitch. If I don't set parent, my child QWidget is show correctly as a separate window, but the layout isn't show.
Here is the code of one of my child QWidget, if you see something wrong.
- Qt include
#include <QWidget>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QString>
class FindWindow : public QWidget {
FindWindow(QString & findContent);
FindWindow(QString & findContent, QWidget * parent);
/*- Window element
QVBoxLayout *m_mainLayout;
QHBoxLayout *m_strLayout;
QHBoxLayout *m_btnLayout;
QLabel *m_findLbl;
QLineEdit *m_strToFind;
QPushButton *m_btnSearch;
QPushButton *m_btnCancel;
- Private method
void initWindow();
private slots:
void returnSearch(QString & stringToFind);};
@@#include "find_window.hpp"
FindWindow::FindWindow(QString & findContent) : QWidget(){
FindWindow::FindWindow(QString & findContent, QWidget * parent = 0) : QWidget(parent) {
initWindow();connect(m_btnCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close()));
}void FindWindow::initWindow(){
m_mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
m_strLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
m_btnLayout = new QHBoxLayout();m_findLbl = new QLabel(tr("Find : "));
m_strToFind = new QLineEdit();
m_btnSearch = new QPushButton(tr("Search"));
m_btnCancel = new QPushButton(tr("Cancel"));m_btnLayout->addWidget(m_btnSearch);
}void FindWindow::returnSearch(QString & stringToFind){
stringToFind = m_strToFind->text();this->close();
delete m_btnSearch;
delete m_btnCancel;
delete m_findLbl;
delete m_strToFind;
delete m_btnLayout;
delete m_strLayout;
delete m_mainLayout;
@It's my first real project in c++. I'm sure the code isn't perfect. I will fallow your comments to improve my code.
Thanks in advance !!
PS : Sorry for my english, I'm a french speaking person and try to do my best ^^
Edit : Here is the complete code : https://github.com/just1602/QNotepad/tree/dev
- Qt include
For a QMainWindow, you need to set one 'central widget'. I see you are not doing that. If you need to put more than one widget, you need to embed those inside one widget in a layout. Setting that widget as the central widget of a QMainWindow takes care of the layout of that one widget. No layout is needed there.
The code on github does not contain the FindWindow class - are you sure you're actually using the pasted code? Manipulating the QMessageBox class like in the code is not supported.
Your code above is ok sofar.
Some notes:
You can combine your two constructors:@
// in the header file
FindWindow(QString &findContent, QWidget *parent = 0);// in the implemenation
FindwWindow::FindWindow(QString &findContetn, QWidget parent)
: QWidget(parent)
// ....
@For using your form as a toplevel widget (popup), you should derive from [[Doc:QDialog]] instead of QWidget. Dialogs are toplevel by default, even if given a parent and you can use exec on that.
For just getting a singel value from the user, you might consider using [[Doc:QInputDialog]].
I'll try to derived from QDialog instead of QWidget. For the constructor, I did it like the first time, but the compilatoin failed with this code, so I write two constructor.
Thank you, everything is now working !! : )
Which QMessageBox implementation isn't support ?
If I don't put parent this as parent, I got that error message :
main_window.o: In functionMainWindow::openOptions()': main_window.cpp:(.text+0x35e2): undefined reference to
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [QNotepad] Error 1
@And when I put this as parent everything work pefectly. ;-)
Thank you