[Solved] Can't find source for Qt Notepad tutorial
I'm about to make a Notepad-like application, so I would really like to examine the source code for this little project in detail.
I'm looking here:
where they say this:
"The code for this tutorial is available in examples/tutorials/gettingStarted/gsQt under your Qt installation. If you are using the Qt SDK, you will find it in Examples/4.7/tutorials/gettingStarted/gsQt (change 4.7 if you are using a later Qt version)."
But my (4.7) installation doesn't have a gsQt directory. It has a gsQml directory. Perhaps someone was trying to deprecate the C++ version. But I'm working in C++.
Does someone know where I can download this source?
Regards, Rick
I can confirm this.
You can grab yourself the vanilla 4.8.0 sources from http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/downloads#qt-lib - that version contains the sample code.