QSettings - how to clear the error?
After I call sync(), I get AccessError when I checked the status. Then I fix the permission through program and call sync() again. This synced the settings but the error is not cleared. Is there any way I can forcefully clear it before calling second sync()?
From Qsettings.cpp of -
We only set an error if there isn't one set already. This way the user always gets the
first error that occurred. We always allow clearing errors.
void QSettingsPrivate::setStatus(QSettings::Status status) const
"/So there should be a public function in QSettings.cpp to clear the errors. Is there any reason why it was skipped?
Is there anyway to access the private date of QSettings and clear the error?
Thanks for your comments. I will file an enhancement request. Can you please give instructions how to file with Qt since this is my first report with them?
BTW, is there a way to access the private member ( inside qsettings_p ) and get access to setStatus function? I tried subclassing QSettings and QSettingPrivate but that won't work.
[quote author="kartlee" date="1326236201"]Hi,
Thanks for your comments. I will file an enhancement request. Can you please give instructions how to file with Qt since this is my first report with them?[/quote]
Just follow "this":http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2010/03/02/how-to-file-a-qt-bug-report-in-the-new-bug-tracker/ link.[quote author="kartlee" date="1326236201"]BTW, is there a way to access the private member ( inside qsettings_p ) and get access to setStatus function? I tried subclassing QSettings and QSettingPrivate but that won't work.[/quote]
Theoretically yes, practically no.
[quote author="Lukas Geyer" date="1326190237"]It looks like QSettings doesn't reset the status (which might be a good thing or a bad thing, depends), but there should be a way to reset it on demand (your use case is a perfect one).
Do you mind filing a bug report / feature request?[/quote]