Problems with remote compiler
Hi folks,
I'm running Qt Creator 2.4 on Mac OS X and I'm trying to compile a application with remote compiler. Even with a new blank project, all I get is these errors:
20:15:52: Running build steps for project BlzMovies...
20:15:52: Building for S60 5th Edition using Qt 4.6.3 with Mobility 1.0.2
20:15:52: Uploading 24 files to Remote Compiler
20:15:53: Uploaded: 16/19 kB
20:15:53: Uploaded 19 kB, waiting for build20:15:59: Build Failed: Errors in build
Error while building project BlzMovies (target: Remote Compiler)
When executing build step 'qmake'I can't go any further, since it doesn't even tell me what is the problem with qmake.
Is there any way to get a more verbose output? Does anybody here know this problem? Any tip?