How to add third party plug in qt ?
i want to use Florence keyboard in qt . How to link this plug in in my qt project. i have implemented the code but that not take the input. i am clicking on it but it not take the input.
i think i am missing some thing to add in project . i can see that keyboard on screen but actually when i am clicking on it it not take the input.
How to resolve this issue ?
Actually on linux pc it works. But same code when i execute on development board with touchscreen. i face above issue.
Current Qt versions is Qt 5.15.2 for OpenSource for the Qt 5 series and 6.2 is around the corner for the Qt 6 series.
Qt 5.5.1 was released in September 2015 so that 6 years ago. Therefore it's not a good idea to start a new project with it.
As for Yocto, you should read the project description.
What did you write that works on your desktop ?
@SGaist i have installed florence keyboard on my target device.
on pc my on_lineEdit_Title_textChanged slot get called when i click on virtual keyboard key. But on target device it not take input.
i have written below code :
#include "main_keyboard.h" #include "ui_main_keyboard.h" #define KEYBOARD_CMD "florence" #define SPLITTER_START_Y 310 Main_keyboard::Main_keyboard(QWidget *parent, MainKeyboardType eMainKeyboardType , UINT8 u8StringLimit, QString sDisplayData) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::Main_keyboard) { ui->setupUi(this); FUNCTION_IN; eLangWhileKayboardOpen = (LanguageItem)pMainApp.ObjStationInfo.sCurrentLanguage.toUInt(); if(eLangWhileKayboardOpen == LAN_ENGLISH) { /* Design keyboard dynamically */ AddKeyBoardButton(); } else { bIsVirtualKeyboardOpen = false; //Delete Keyframe and removed two buttons delete(ui->frame); ui->splitter->setGeometry(QRect(56,SPLITTER_START_Y,368,80)); ui->lineEdit_Title->setGeometry(QRect(56, SPLITTER_START_Y-45,368,45)); ui->Label_Main->setGeometry(56, SPLITTER_START_Y-45-70, 365, 70); ui->pushButton_Exit->setGeometry(388, SPLITTER_START_Y-45-70-45+11, 70, 70); delete(ui->pushButton_Backspace); delete(ui->pushButton_Caps); ui->pushButton_Save->setFixedWidth(368); OpenVirtualKeyboard(); if(bIsVirtualKeyboardOpen) { ChangeKeyboardLanguage(eLangWhileKayboardOpen); } } QFont font; font.setFamily(FONT_FAMILY_AWESOME); font.setPixelSize(BACK_BUTTON_FONTSIZE); //ui->pushButton_Exit->setFont(font); //ui->pushButton_Exit->setText(CLEAR_BUTTON_FONT); ui->pushButton_Save->setEnabled(false); sTypedData = sDisplayData; ui->lineEdit_Title->setFocus(); ui->lineEdit_Title->setText (sTypedData); ui->lineEdit_Title->setCursorPosition(sTypedData.length()); eReceivedMainKeyboardType = eMainKeyboardType; bCapsOn = false; switch(eMainKeyboardType) { case KEYBOARD_USER_NAME: { ui->pushButton_Save->setStyleSheet(SAVEBUTTONSytesheetEnable); ui->Label_Main->setText((sEnterName())); // "ENTER NAME"); if(eLangWhileKayboardOpen == LAN_ENGLISH) { SetLowercaseButton(); keyButton[ZERO_KEY_INDEX]->hide(); } } break; case KEYBOARD_WIFI_PASSWORD: { ui->pushButton_Save->setStyleSheet(ENTERBUTTONStylesheet); ui->Label_Main->setText((sEnterPassword())); // "ENTER PASSWORD"); if(eLangWhileKayboardOpen == LAN_ENGLISH) SetLowercaseButton(); } break; case KEYBOARD_LOT_NUMBER: { ui->pushButton_Save->setStyleSheet(ENTERBUTTONStylesheet); ui->Label_Main->setText(sEnterLotNumber()); //"ENTER LOT NUMBER"); if(eLangWhileKayboardOpen == LAN_ENGLISH) SetLowercaseButton(); } break; case KEYBOARD_PART_NUMBER: { ui->pushButton_Save->setStyleSheet(ENTERBUTTONStylesheet); ui->Label_Main->setText(sEnterPartNumber()); //"ENTER PART NUMBER"); if(eLangWhileKayboardOpen == LAN_ENGLISH) SetLowercaseButton(); } break; case MAX_MAIN_KEYBOARD: default: break; } u8WordLimit = u8StringLimit; FUNCTION_OUT; } Main_keyboard::~Main_keyboard() { if(eLangWhileKayboardOpen != LAN_ENGLISH) CloseVirtualKeyboard(); delete ui; } void Main_keyboard::AddKeyBoardButton() { FUNCTION_IN; UINT8 u8MenuItemIndex, u8RowIndex, u8ColumnIndex; QGridLayout *controlsLayout = new QGridLayout; for(u8MenuItemIndex = 0; u8MenuItemIndex < MAX_KEY; u8MenuItemIndex++) { u8RowIndex = u8MenuItemIndex / KEYS_PER_ROW; u8ColumnIndex = u8MenuItemIndex % KEYS_PER_ROW; //Add PushButton keyButton[u8MenuItemIndex] = new QPushButton(); keyButton[u8MenuItemIndex]->setObjectName(QString::number(u8MenuItemIndex)); keyButton[u8MenuItemIndex]->setMinimumHeight(KEYBOARD_BUTTON_HEIGHT); keyButton[u8MenuItemIndex]->setMinimumWidth(KEYBOARD_BUTTON_WIDTH); keyButton[u8MenuItemIndex]->setFlat(true); keyButton[u8MenuItemIndex]->setStyleSheet ("border: 0px solid black;font-family:'Open Sans';font-weight:600;font-size:12pt;"); QObject::connect(keyButton[u8MenuItemIndex], &QPushButton::released, this, &Main_keyboard::onKeyRelease); //Add Pushbutton in GridLayout controlsLayout-> addWidget(keyButton[u8MenuItemIndex], u8RowIndex, u8ColumnIndex, 1, 1, Qt::AlignCenter); } controlsLayout->setMargin(0); controlsLayout->setHorizontalSpacing(0); controlsLayout->setVerticalSpacing(0); ui->verticalLayout->addLayout(controlsLayout); FUNCTION_OUT; } void Main_keyboard::SetUppercaseButton() { ui->pushButton_Caps->setStyleSheet(CAPS_LOCK_ON_COLOR); bCapsOn = true; if(eLangWhileKayboardOpen == LAN_ENGLISH) { for(UINT8 u8ButtonIndex = 0; u8ButtonIndex < MAX_KEY; u8ButtonIndex++) { keyButton[u8ButtonIndex]->setText(sUpperKey[u8ButtonIndex]); } } } void Main_keyboard::SetLowercaseButton() { ui->pushButton_Caps->setStyleSheet(CAPS_LOCK_OFF_COLOR); bCapsOn = false; if(eLangWhileKayboardOpen == LAN_ENGLISH) { for(UINT8 u8ButtonIndex = 0; u8ButtonIndex < MAX_KEY; u8ButtonIndex++) { keyButton[u8ButtonIndex]->setText(sLowerKey[u8ButtonIndex]); } } } void Main_keyboard::onKeyRelease() { QObject *senderObj = sender(); QString senderObjName = senderObj->objectName(); u_int8_t u8MenuItemIndex = senderObjName.toInt(); if(u8MenuItemIndex == SPACE_KEY_INDEX) { GetEntry(" "); } else { GetEntry(keyButton[u8MenuItemIndex]->text()); } } void Main_keyboard::GetEntry(QString get_char) { if(sTypedData.length() < u8WordLimit) { u8CursorPosition = ui->lineEdit_Title->cursorPosition(); sTypedData.insert(u8CursorPosition ,; ui->lineEdit_Title->setText (sTypedData); ui->lineEdit_Title->setCursorPosition(++u8CursorPosition); } } void Main_keyboard::on_lineEdit_Title_textChanged(const QString &arg1) { #ifdef QDEBUG_ENABLE pMainApp.ObjStationInfo.DebugStation("Text Changed: " + arg1 + "length" + sTypedData.length()); #endif sTypedData= arg1; if(sTypedData.isEmpty()) ui->pushButton_Save->setEnabled(false); else ui->pushButton_Save->setEnabled(true); if(sTypedData.length() > u8WordLimit) { u8CursorPosition = ui->lineEdit_Title->cursorPosition(); sTypedData.remove(u8CursorPosition ,1); ui->lineEdit_Title->setText (sTypedData); ui->lineEdit_Title->setCursorPosition(--u8CursorPosition); } ui->lineEdit_Title->repaint(); } void Main_keyboard::on_pushButton_Caps_released() { //border: 3px solid black;background:rgb(0, 85, 127);color: rgb(255, 255, 255); //white //border: 3px solid black;background:rgb(0, 85, 127);color: rgb(0, 0, 0); //black if(eLangWhileKayboardOpen == LAN_ENGLISH) { if(bCapsOn ==false) { SetUppercaseButton(); } else { SetLowercaseButton(); } } } void Main_keyboard::on_pushButton_Backspace_released() { if(eLangWhileKayboardOpen == LAN_ENGLISH) { if(sTypedData.length()>0) { u8CursorPosition = ui->lineEdit_Title->cursorPosition(); sTypedData.remove(--u8CursorPosition , 1); ui->lineEdit_Title->setText (sTypedData); ui->lineEdit_Title->setCursorPosition(u8CursorPosition); } } } void Main_keyboard::on_pushButton_Exit_released() { CloseVirtualKeyboard(); this->close(); delete this; } void Main_keyboard::on_pushButton_Save_released() { qApp->setOverrideCursor(QCursor( Qt::WaitCursor)); switch(eReceivedMainKeyboardType) { case KEYBOARD_USER_NAME: break; case KEYBOARD_WIFI_PASSWORD: { Network_Setting* parent = qobject_cast<Network_Setting*>(this->parent()); parent->SaveConnectNetWork(parent->sSelectedSsid ,sTypedData, "1", true); } break; case KEYBOARD_LOT_NUMBER: { Cal_Gas_Information* parent = qobject_cast<Cal_Gas_Information*>(this->parent()); parent->DisplayLotNumber(sTypedData); } break; case KEYBOARD_PART_NUMBER: { Cal_Gas_Information* parent = qobject_cast<Cal_Gas_Information*>(this->parent()); parent->DisplayPartNumber(sTypedData); } break; case MAX_MAIN_KEYBOARD: default: break; } #ifdef BOARD_APP qApp->setOverrideCursor(QCursor( Qt::BlankCursor)); #else qApp->setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor)); #endif if(eLangWhileKayboardOpen != LAN_ENGLISH) CloseVirtualKeyboard(); this->close(); delete this; } //void Main_keyboard::on_pushButton_Clear_released() //{ // sTypedData.clear(); // ui->lineEdit_Title->clear(); //} void Main_keyboard::on_lineEdit_Title_cursorPositionChanged(int , int ) { if(eLangWhileKayboardOpen != LAN_ENGLISH) { if(bIsVirtualKeyboardOpen == false) { OpenVirtualKeyboard(); ChangeKeyboardLanguage((LanguageItem)pMainApp.ObjStationInfo.sCurrentLanguage.toUInt()); } } } void Main_keyboard::ChangeKeyboardLanguage(LanguageItem eLanguageItem) { QString sResponse, sError; bool bIsCmdFailed = false; QString sLocale; switch(eLanguageItem) { case LAN_ENGLISH: case MAX_LANGUAGE: default: sLocale = "us"; break; case LAN_TURKISH: sLocale = "tr"; break; } QString sKeyLanChangeCmd = QString("%1 %2").arg("setxkbmap", sLocale); do { bIsCmdFailed = pMainApp.ObjSysOperation.SendSystemCommand(sKeyLanChangeCmd, sResponse, sError); if(bIsCmdFailed) { AppLog::AddLog(LOG_ERROR, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "Failed to set Language"); #ifdef QDEBUG_ENABLE pMainApp.ObjStationInfo.DebugStation("Failed to set Language"); #endif break; } else { } }while(false); } void Main_keyboard::OpenVirtualKeyboard() { QString sResponse, sError; bool bIsCmdFailed = false; do { if(!bIsVirtualKeyboardOpen) { //bIsCmdFailed = SendSystemCommand(KEYBOARD_CMD" &", sResponse, sError); bIsCmdFailed = pMainApp.ObjSysOperation.SendSystemCommand("florence -u /usr/share/florence/florence.conf &", sResponse, sError); if(bIsCmdFailed) { AppLog::AddLog(LOG_ERROR, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "Failed to open florence keyboard"); #ifdef QDEBUG_ENABLE pMainApp.ObjStationInfo.DebugStation("Failed to open florence keyboard"); #endif break; } else { bIsVirtualKeyboardOpen = true; } } }while(false); } void Main_keyboard::CloseVirtualKeyboard() { ChangeKeyboardLanguage(LAN_ENGLISH); QString sResponse, sError; pMainApp.ObjSysOperation.SendSystemCommand("pkill "KEYBOARD_CMD, sResponse, sError); bIsVirtualKeyboardOpen = false; }
Are you sure that that keyboard is working properly on your target ?
By the way, did you consider Qt's own Virtual Keyboard module ? -
@SGaist it get open but not take i/p.
Why it just get open but not take i/p?
Yes I started to use qt keyboard. But i am not much more about it.
What library I need to install on linux? How to use it?
How I can add it on my existing program with minimum steps?
Note that i want virtual keyboard to use on qt c++ based. Not on qt qml based.
Thanks for reply
Can you give more information about that Florence keyboard ?
Some documentation link, sources, etc ? -
As for C++, did you try to simply use it with a minimal widget application ?
@SGaist to use qt virtual keyboard
What library I need to install on linux? How to use it?
How I can add it on my existing program with minimum steps?
Note that i want virtual keyboard to use on qt c++ based. Not on qt qml based.
@SGaist link for Florence keyboard
I have installed it on pc. On pc my code is working fine but on target device it is not working
@Qt-embedded-developer said in How to add third party plug in qt ?:
@SGaist to use qt virtual keyboard
What library I need to install on linux? How to use it?
How I can add it on my existing program with minimum steps?
Note that i want virtual keyboard to use on qt c++ based. Not on qt qml based.
Did you read the documentation page I linked ? The one that explains the module, provides a link to installation / build instructions, etc ?
@SGaist Can i use it on Qt version 5.5.1 as open source code?
I have already installed qt on my linux pc. How to install packages related to virtual keyboard on my pc? From where i can find qt maintenance tool on linux ?
@Qt-embedded-developer said in How to add third party plug in qt ?:
From where i can find qt maintenance tool on linux ?
Install Qt using Qt Online Installer, then you will also get maintenance tool.
Then use something more recent to run in your board. Qt 5.5 is more than 10 minor releases behind. Yocto comes to mind for example.
Current Qt versions is Qt 5.15.2 for OpenSource for the Qt 5 series and 6.2 is around the corner for the Qt 6 series.
Qt 5.5.1 was released in September 2015 so that 6 years ago. Therefore it's not a good idea to start a new project with it.
As for Yocto, you should read the project description.