Building Qt for i.MX6 Quad Board failure
Mobile and Embedded
Hi Qt community!
I am trying to build Qt for i.MX6 Quad Board using this instruction
I have created in home directory with this contentexport PATH=$PATH:/usr/ghs/comp_201654 export INTEGRITY_DIR=/usr/ghs/int1144 export INTEGRITY_BSP=platform-cortex-a9 export GL_INC_DIR=/usr/ghs/int1144/INTEGRITY-include/Vivante/sdk/inc export GL_LIB_DIR=/usr/ghs/int1144/libs/Vivante
then i have run this command
source ~/
After that i have cloned the pero (git clone git:// in this path
and also have run this commandscd qt5 git checkout 5.4.12 perl init-repository
So fur so good until this command
./configure -prefix $PWD/qtbase -xplatform integrity-armv7-imx6 -confirm-license -opensource -nomake examples -nomake tests -no-dbus -silent -opengl es2 -static
i get such error
Project ERROR: Cannot run target compiler 'cxintarm -bsp -os_dir -non_shared'
Can somebody please help to resolve this error ?