Splashscreen not comming up with transparant background
Dear readers,
No matter what I tried, I cannot get my Splashscreen to show up with transparent parts.
I am using a PNG file with transparant parts, only thing is that it wont show the transparant
parts, instead it shows a white background.My code is:
@QSplashScreen *sscreen = new QSplashScreen;
sscreen->setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt::SplashScreen);@I hope someone can help me out.
I am new to Qt programming so please go easy on me and try not to give me a
100 line big class ;) :PEDIT:
Found this solution on the internet, but what I want is to show the splashscreen for 5
seconds, then remove it and show my app, now I cannot remove this splashscreen anymore.@ QPixmap aPixmap("c:/splash.png");
QLabel* aWidget = new QLabel(0, Qt::FramelessWindowHint|Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint);
aWidget->show();@ -
Have you tried to set Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground in your original sample?
As for the second sample: How do you try to "remove the splash screen"?
You can have a look at the "code":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/10075/ I posted a while ago. I'm using QTimer::singleShot(..) to close the splashscreen after a specified time (in this case 3 seconds).
QTimer::singleShot(3000, &splashScrWindow ,SLOT(close()));
@ -
oh thats awesome!!! thanks a lot KA510 awesome!