Scroll problems with textArea on Harmattan
I'm trying my hands on a simple Qt / QML application for the Nokia N9, and have this weird problem with the TextArea, it will not scroll.
Everything works just great, but whenever I load a large text into the TextArea I'm unable to swipe the text up to reach the later parts.
I have tried to place the TextArea in a Flickable (which works with the TextEdit, but it does not have the edit functions I'm after) to no avail !
Any ideas ?
The code :
@import QtQuick 1.1
import 1.0Page {
id: page1
tools: commonToolsTextArea { id: edit anchors.fill: parent platformEnableEditBubble: true smooth: true wrapMode: TextEdit.WordWrap font.pointSize: 20 "Times New Roman" textFormat: TextEdit.PlainText focus: true clip: true; }