Qpixman makes gui run slow
Hi, Im displaying .png images on a qwidget using a Qpixmap and a qlabel. The thing is when I have a large number of images the application start running slow. I am plotting the values of a sensor and on this qwidget I plot the image corresponding for that sensor frame. The GUI works for small set of images but I have large set in the Terabyte size and there the GUI fails, the slow runnings starts after a few secons from starting to run the data. This is the function I use to show the pngs for every frame of the sensor this is called:
QPixmap p;
ui->label->setPixmap(p);thanks for the help
@Garza said in Qpixman makes gui run slow:
The GUI works for small set of images but I have large set in the Terabyte size and there the GUI fails
Did you consider optimizing the way you load and use your images ? Trying to put terabytes of images inside an application will make any computer trash unless you have a machine that can handle petabytes of RAM.
@Garza said in Qpixman makes gui run slow:
@SGaist Hi,
The images are stored somewhere and I just open the one with the name corresponding to the current frame.
Here is likely one issue: how are you handling that one ?
Are you replacing the one from the previous frame ?
Are you opening a new one ?
How are you handling your QPixmap objects ? -
@Garza said in Qpixman makes gui run slow:
@SGaist currently I'm just calling this function and not handling what you mentioned. Will have a look at it. Does image size is an issue? is 2048x1280.
It depends on:
- At which pace do you load them ?
- file compression level
- storage type and speed
- if network, network speed
- your machine specification