Delegate not aligning Child without Anchors
Hi, I have the following TableView below. I am not getting the cell in the delegate to align without an anchor. Under Quick 2 this doesn't work the way it used to. There is an error of "TableView: anchors detected. Use implicitWidth & implicityHeight. I added both implicit dimensions & it overlays the header. How is this handled with a CheckBox delegate so that it lines up properly? Is there a workaround or a better way to do this in Quick 2?
TableView { id: tblFooParams height: parent.height width: parent.width anchors.fill: parent columnSpacing: 1 rowSpacing: 1 ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { id: tblFooParamsVertBar; active: policy:ScrollBar.AlwaysOn } ScrollBar.horizontal: ScrollBar { id: tblFooParamsHorzBar; active: } HorizontalHeaderView { id: hdrFooParams syncView: tblFooParams model: ["Col1", "Col2", "Col3", "Col4", "Col5", "Col6" ] anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right anchors.leftMargin: 1 } model: TableModel { id: modelFooParams TableModelColumn { display: "col1" } TableModelColumn { display: "col2" } TableModelColumn { display: "col3" } TableModelColumn { display: "col4" } TableModelColumn { display: "col5" } TableModelColumn { display: "col6" } rows: [ { "col1": "true", "col2": "true", "col3": "true", "col4": "true", "col5: "true", "col6: "true" } ] } delegate: CheckBox { id: cellFooEnabled implicitWidth: 50 implicitHeight: 20 checked: false // anchors.baseline: parent.verticalCenter checkState: Qt.Checked nextCheckState: function() { if (checkState === Qt.Checked) return Qt.Unchecked else return Qt.Checked } } } // end Foo TableView
I tried changing to a CheckDelegate of Qt Quick 2, but it overdraws the Header as well.
The posted code without the import statements is ambiguous. It isn't clear which TableView or CheckBox is intended.
@SocketSackett said in Delegate not aligning Child without Anchors:
Hi, I have the following TableView below. I am not getting the cell in the delegate to align without an anchor.
What is the cell intended to align with? It may help to include a picture of what is happening now, and another showing the goal.
Under Quick 2 this doesn't work the way it used to. There is an error of "TableView: anchors detected. Use implicitWidth & implicityHeight.
Don't anchor the delegate. The view manages its placement.
I added both implicit dimensions & it overlays the header. How is this handled with a CheckBox delegate so that it lines up properly? Is there a workaround or a better way to do this in Quick 2?
The problem is that the code above is placing the HorizontalHeaderView as a child of the TableView. Instead, use it as a sibling.
TableView { id: tblFooParams height: parent.height width: parent.width anchors.fill: parent
There's no point in specifying height + width and anchors.fill.
delegate: CheckBox { id: cellFooEnabled width: Math.abs(implicitWidth) height: Math.abs(implicitHeight)
If width and height aren't specified, the implicit versions are used. There's no need to do this explicitly.
It is intended to sync with the Header. I've done this many times with Text, but once I use CheckDelegate, it doesn't work. If I leave out the anchors. The check boxes overwrite the header! That's the issue. TableView works fine with Text. I set implicitWidth: 50; implicitHeight: 20, but it still overwrites the header with the checkboxes.![alt text]
@SocketSackett said in Delegate not aligning Child without Anchors:
@jeremy_k Yes. It is a sibling. Above you can see it is below the scrollbars of the TableView.
I don't see any scrollbars.
In the initial post, the HorizontalHeaderView is a child of the TableView. If that has been changed and it still doesn't work, post the updated code.