Xcode 4 support in Qt 4.8.0?
Has Xcode 4 support finally be added to Qt with the release of open source version of 4.8.0 or is it only supported in the commercial release? If not available in the open source version, are there any plans to add Xcode 4 support in the near future?
XCode 4 support is addressed in "QTBUG-17247":https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-17247, the issue is still open. The "merge request":https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/merge_requests/1413 is still open too as of today. So no, there's still no XCode 4 support in 4.8.0.
You can grab the changes from gitorious and apply it to your sources, though.
On the gitorious link, click on the names of the changed files and download the complete files. Otherwise you could clone that repository and fetch the diff from there.
Be aware that merge requests on gitorious are close for quite a time now. You might want to look at qt-project.org if a patch was submitted there. That could be easier to download.
Has the XCode 4 issue been addressed in the newly released 4.8.1?
The "release notes":http://qt.nokia.com/products/changes/changes-4.8.1 state:
bq. Add support for XCode 4 into qmake [QTBUG-17247]