QDesigner questions
I understand that QDesigner integration with QCreator is "pretty loose", however, I need some assistance resolving few very basic questions.
QDesigner has several modes of operation ,
I can "go to slot" which in my interpretation bypasses the SIGNAL/SLOT and somewhat works as expected.Then I can edit signal / slot and that is little iffy .
I can "left click" on the widget and SOMETIME I get the attached dialog. to select
default SIGNAL and SLOT.
The keyword is "sometime".
When successful the mouse pointer changes to small cross.EDIT
It appears that the feature "edit-> "Edit signals / slots" "left click" on widget can be used only once.
If desired to be used more one has to start over from "edit-> "Edit signals / slots"
Pretty odd since there is no feedback to do so. .I cannot find an official documentation telling me HOW to "left click" on the widget to get to the dialog CONSISTENTLY.
The "signal" part is reasonable, but the "slot" is not .
It has several "default" slots - such as "clear()", but no instruction HOW to track the more obscure "slots" likes "menu()". ( Where do I find "menu" code ?)Or how to add "custom" slots.