How do I find the first and (more important) the last QTextBlock in a selection provided by QTextCursor?
Thanks for the reply. -Unfortunately I'm not sure that helps what I'm aiming. Sorry for not going into depth about the reason earlier.-
I'm actually trying to get the QTextBlock. The reason is for bulleted list management. I want to determine the text blocks that are covered by the user's selection. So if they have parts of a bulleted lists selected (could be across different levels of indentation) I can increment/decrement the indentation of each selected block without affecting the non-selected portions of the list.
Your suggestion worked for me. Using the selectionStart() and selectionEnd() methods you pointed out along with QTextDocument::findBlock(pos) I got what I needed.
QTextCursor c = textCursor();
QTextBlock b1 = document()->findBlock(c.selectionStart());
QTextBlock b2 = document()->findBlock(c.selectionEnd());