Procedure entry point could not be found in dll, again!!
I googled and found a lot of posts regarding issue when i tried to run my qt app from command line, error dialog pops up similar to this, saying "The Procedure entry point ?argToString@QtPrivate@@YA?AVQString@@....." could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Qt\5.15.2\msvc2019_64\bin\Qt5Qmld.dll"All answer pointing to things like many dlls exists, linked to wrong dll etc etc, but none seemed to be link to the problem i faced.. i wonder what went wrong with my system;
Why i said so is because;
There is only one dll throughout my system, i.e C:\Qt\5.15.2\msvc2019_64\bin\Qt5Qmld.dll.C:\Qt\5.15.2\msvc2019_64\bin is in the top of my system env path.
I can build and run from the QtCreator IDE, no problem! When i go to debug mode, i saw the same dll C:\Qt\5.15.2\msvc2019_64\bin\Qt5Qmld.dll was being loaded!
However when i tried to run the same exe from cmd prompt, even though from Qt cmd prompt, i got the error as above. What actually went wrong??? If i copied the dll into the exe directory, c:\dev\build, and run from cmd prompt again, now the error will change saying the same procedure entry point could not be found in c:\dev\build\QtQmld.dll ! This is very puzzling, QtCreator can load the same dll and the procedure found, but not when i run from cmd line??
@pfnus If you want to run your app outside of QtCreator (which prepares the environment before starting your app) you need to deploy your app. You can use for that.
Are you sure you took the right DLLs? Do you use MinGW?
Is this error happening while you deploy your app or do you try to run it from outside your IDE?
Hi i am using msvc2019 compiler in QT creator IDE, with cmake in CMakeList. I can build, run and debug in the IDE.
When i run outside IDE, i am launching the visual studio cmd prompt, then build.the same application using the same cmake file i used in IDE, except this time i invoke cmake from cmd.prompt. Again i can build the same source successfully. But when i try to execute the app, a window pops up complaining procedure not found in the dll mentioned above.
I need to mention that i can do both before, and what i encountered here is not due to dll not found, so is not related to deployment of QT.