PyQt5 Exe file expire after 15days
So you want the 15 days to count from when he first installs your app. You have two choices.When he installs or first runs your app, you have to save something somewhere external --- i.e. on his disk --- which says when it will expire. The app checks for that each time it starts, and refuses when the 15 days have passed. But essentially you cannot prevent him from uninstalling, removing your "marker", reinstalling, and starting afresh for a new 15 days. You could try to "hide" it somewhere so he doesn't know where to remove it, e.g. down in the Registry under Windows, but it's not fool proof.
Or you have do something completely external to him, i.e. you have a web site it connects to for the expiry date and you keep a "database" there which he cannot alter. Or he has to e.g. email you to get a "license code" to use, and you do not re-issue that to the same person.
There is nothing special PyQt/Qt about this.