Is using Style for customising look and feel reliable across the platforms?
General and Desktop
Since QProxyStyle uses QPalette and its functionalities and I saw the following warning from their official documentation.
Warning: Some styles do not use the palette for all drawing, for instance, if they make use of native theme engines. This is the case for both the Windows Vista and the macOS styles.
What is this warning?Is using stylesheets a better alternative.I wanted to use QStyle, since it is faster.Please give me a design suggestion.
@prinzkm said in Is using Style for customising look and feel reliable across the platforms?:
Warning: Some styles do not use the palette for all drawing, for instance, if they make use of native theme engines.
The warning means several things:
- On some platforms, some themes use operating system supplied items (e.g. file open or colour picker dialog). These elements are drawn entirely by the operating system and do not know anything of Qt palette or style sheets.
- Some styles implemented in Qt, where all drawing is done by Qt, may not use all the components available to ensure that they present a single, unified style. Properly/completely implemented Qt-only styles accommodates changed palettes or style sheets; but not all are properly/completely implemented.