How to draw a line from point A to point B by mouse click
I try to draw a line from point A to point B, but for some reason it doesn't.
The code:
Window { // вот тут переменные first tochka and dwa tochka property var cliced_x0 : 0; property var cliced_y0 : 0; property var cliced_x1 : 0; property var cliced_y1 : 0; property var bool_cliced : false; ... Canvas { id: canvas property color color: colorTools.paintColor ... onPaint: { ... var ctx = getContext('2d') ctx.lineWidth = 1.5 ctx.strokeStyle = canvas.color ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(cliced_x0, cliced_y0) ctx.lineTo(cliced_x1, cliced_y1) ctx.stroke() } MouseArea { id: area anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { if (bool_cliced === false) { cliced_x0 = mouseX; cliced_y0 = mouseY; bool_cliced = true; } if(bool_cliced === true) { cliced_x1 = mouseX; cliced_y1 = mouseY; bool_cliced = false; } } } } } what am I doing wrong ??
@timob256 said in How to draw a line from point A to point B by mouse click:
if (bool_cliced == false)
cliced_x0 = area.mouseX;
cliced_y0 = area.mouseY;
bool_cliced = true;
if(bool_cliced == true)
cliced_x1 = area.mouseX;
cliced_y1 = area.mouseY;
bool_cliced = false;
}I would change this to:
if (bool_cliced == false) { cliced_x0 = area.mouseX; cliced_y0 = area.mouseY; } else { cliced_x1 = area.mouseX; cliced_y1 = area.mouseY; canvas.requestPaint() } bool_cliced = !bool_cliced;
Try calling
( after you do the second click.Also, your variables can be of
type - avoidvar
if you can! -
@sierdzio said in How to draw a line from point A to point B by mouse click:
Sorry, but it didn't work for me, I did it as you described. can you please see what I'm doing wrong
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.4 import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.12 Window { // вот тут переменные first tochka and dwa tochka property int cliced_x0 : 0; property int cliced_y0 : 0; property int cliced_x1 : 0; property int cliced_y1 : 0; property var bool_cliced : false; width: Screen.desktopAvailableWidth/1.6 // width: 640 height: Screen.desktopAvailableHeight/1.6 x:0 y:0 // height: 480 visible: true title: qsTr("разкройка") RowLayout { id: botnes; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter z: canvas.z+1 height:50 anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: 0 Button { id: button0 text: qsTr("выкройка") display: AbstractButton.IconOnly ToolTip.visible: hovered ToolTip.text: qsTr("выкройка") background: Rectangle { implicitWidth: 100 implicitHeight: 40 color: button0.down ? "#ccccff" : "#bde0ff" border.color: button0.down ? "#ccccff" : "#bde0ff" radius: 2 } onClicked: { rectangle.visible == true ? rectangle.visible = false : rectangle.visible = true; } } Button { id: button1 text: qsTr("линия") display: AbstractButton.IconOnly ToolTip.visible: hovered ToolTip.text: qsTr("линия") background: Rectangle { implicitWidth: 100 implicitHeight: 40 color: button1.down ? "#ccccff" : "#bde0ff" border.color: button1.down ? "#ccccff" : "#bde0ff" radius: 2 } onClicked: { Qt.quit(); } } Button { id: button2 text: qsTr("точка") display: AbstractButton.IconOnly ToolTip.visible: hovered ToolTip.text: qsTr("точка") background: Rectangle { implicitWidth: 100 implicitHeight: 40 color: button2.down ? "#ccccff" : "#bde0ff" border.color: button2.down ? "#ccccff" : "#bde0ff" radius: 2 } onClicked: { // console.log("hello") } } Button { id: button3 text: qsTr("радиус") display: AbstractButton.IconOnly ToolTip.visible: hovered ToolTip.text: qsTr("радиус") background: Rectangle { implicitWidth: 100 implicitHeight: 40 color: button3.down ? "#ccccff" : "#bde0ff" border.color: button3.down ? "#ccccff" : "#bde0ff" radius: 2 } onClicked: { //Qt.quit(); } } } Rectangle { id: rectangle color: "#89cdf1" x: parent.width/100; y:parent.height/10; width: parent.width/4 height: parent.height/1.2 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight anchors { leftMargin: 10 rightMargin: 10 bottomMargin: 10 } Grid{ id: gridLayout x:0 y:10; width: parent.width; height: parent.height/3>= 120 ? parent.height/3:120; rows: 2 columns: 2 // anchors.centerIn: parent columnSpacing: 10 rowSpacing: 10 Text { id:text1 color: "#00000f" text: "ширина1:" "Helvetica" font.pixelSize: parent.width/10; } // Область с TextInput Rectangle { id:rectangle2 // y: parent.height /100; не работает Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true color: "white" width: parent.width /3; height: parent.height /7; TextInput { id: textInput3 color: "#151515"; selectionColor: "green" font.pixelSize: parent.width /5; font.bold: true width: parent.width/3; height: parent.height /3; maximumLength: 8 anchors.centerIn: parent focus: true validator : RegExpValidator { regExp : /[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/ } //ввод только чисел !! anchors.fill: parent cursorVisible : true } } Text { id:text3 color: "#00000f" text: "ширина2:" "Helvetica" // font.pointSize: parent.width/(4*4); font.pixelSize: parent.width /10; } // Область с TextInput Rectangle { id:rectangle3 y:200; // не работает x:100; // не работает Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true color: "white" width: parent.width /3; height: parent.height /7; // 10 TextInput { id: textInput4 y: 20; color: "#151515"; selectionColor: "green" font.pixelSize: parent.width /5; font.bold: true width: parent.width/3; height: parent.height /3; maximumLength: 8 anchors.centerIn: parent focus: true validator : RegExpValidator { regExp : /[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/ } //ввод только чисел !! anchors.fill: parent cursorVisible : true } } } } Canvas { id: canvas x: parent.width/3.4; y: parent.height/10; width: parent.width*0.6; height: parent.height*0.9; anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right top: colorTools.bottom bottom: parent.bottom margins: 8 } property real lastX property real lastY property color color: colorTools.paintColor onPaint: { // работает var ctx = getContext('2d') ctx.lineWidth = 1.5 ctx.strokeStyle = canvas.color // ctx.strokeStyle = "blue"; ctx.beginPath() // ctx.moveTo(lastX, lastY) ctx.moveTo(cliced_x0, cliced_y0) // lastX = area.mouseX // lastY = area.mouseY // ctx.lineTo(lastX, lastY) ctx.lineTo(cliced_x1, cliced_y1) ctx.translate(cliced_x1, cliced_y1) ctx.closePath() ctx.stroke() } MouseArea { //работатет id: area anchors.fill: parent // моё onClicked: { if (bool_cliced == false) { cliced_x0 = area.mouseX; cliced_y0 = area.mouseY; bool_cliced = true; } if(bool_cliced == true) { cliced_x1 = area.mouseX; cliced_y1 = area.mouseY; bool_cliced = false; canvas.requestPaint() } } } } }
Don't know, sorry. The code looks OK to me.
@timob256 said in How to draw a line from point A to point B by mouse click:
if (bool_cliced == false)
cliced_x0 = area.mouseX;
cliced_y0 = area.mouseY;
bool_cliced = true;
if(bool_cliced == true)
cliced_x1 = area.mouseX;
cliced_y1 = area.mouseY;
bool_cliced = false;
}I would change this to:
if (bool_cliced == false) { cliced_x0 = area.mouseX; cliced_y0 = area.mouseY; } else { cliced_x1 = area.mouseX; cliced_y1 = area.mouseY; canvas.requestPaint() } bool_cliced = !bool_cliced;
@KroMignon is right, you're always entering on each mouse click both if statements, as both are always true (currently) use an else there and/or change the bool_cliced only at the end of the scope.
also don't mix anchors with width/height/x/y