Popup and Slider
QML and Qt Quick
@tacdin Slider has a pressed property
https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-controls2-slider.html#pressed-propbind that to visible or probably opacity property of the popup.
you may run into issues where the popup forces these changes onto the slider,(as a child of popup) as well. So going with opacity is probably the better option
something like this:
ApplicationWindow { id: mainWindow visible: true width: 400 height: 100 Rectangle{ anchors.fill: parent color: "red" Label{ anchors.centerIn: parent text: slider.value } } Popup{ id:popup Component.onCompleted: open() opacity: slider.pressed ? 0 : 1 Slider{ id:slider anchors.fill: parent // onValueChanged: popup.opacity = value / to } } }