vs2019 preferences when upgrading qt version
I'm developing it in a vs. 2019 environment, but now I'm using qt 5.12.11 and I'm using msvc2017_64 for the build.
I'm trying to upload the qt version, but when I upgrade to qt 6.2.0, C1189 c++17 compiler error occurred when I built it on vs2019, so I couldn't find msvc 2017 in the main tool.
So I uploaded the qt 5.15 version, but I couldn't get the msvc2017 builder, so even if I uploaded the version, what should I do to build it in vs2019.
@IknowQT said in vs2019 preferences when upgrading qt version:
where is qt version 5.15.5??
There is no open-source version of 5.15.5 available.
Thank you for your answer. Can I ask you one more question?
I installed 5.15.2, but msvc2017 is missing.
Is it supposed to be gone? Then how can you build with this version? I am developing in VS2019 environment. -
@IknowQT said in vs2019 preferences when upgrading qt version:
but msvc2017 is missing
You have to install Visual Studio by yourself since it is not free and is owned by Microsoft.
If you already have Visual Studio 2019 then it should work (unless you did not install C++ components). -
@IknowQT said in vs2019 preferences when upgrading qt version:
How can I build the 5.15.0 version because there is no msvc2017_64 folder?
You want to build Qt itself?
Then you need Qt source code, not prebuild binaries. Source code tree does not have anything like msvc2017_64.
https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/build-sources.html -
@IknowQT Well, you wrote "How can I build the 5.15.0 version", that sounds like you want to build Qt.
If not forget my last post.
But please explain what your current problem is?"How can I build the 5.15.0 version because there is no msvc2017_64 folder?" - did you install Qt for Visual Studio or not?
@IknowQT said in vs2019 preferences when upgrading qt version:
You selected Qt > Qt 5.15.2 > Sources. This only contains source code, which is not what you want.
You should select Qt > Qt 5.15.2 > MSVC 2019 64-bit.