Qt4 form MDI, what is it?
I a beginer. Help me everything about form MDI in Qt4(include how to create, call it, and use). thanks so much!
First of all, question yourself if you really want or need MDI. By many, it is considdered a flawed UI paradigm, at least in the windows-within-a-window form. Considder if SDI isn't a better solution.
Having said that, take a look at [[doc:QMdiArea]] and [[doc:QMdiSubWindow]].
After reading this post, I searched google and found "this":http://discuss.joelonsoftware.com/default.asp?design.4.181903.38&ei=JxsFT6bsKs-biQfgqcmrBQ&usg=AFQjCNFVrXe6sTQp0I-FY7JKMBfcXFpacA&sig2=OGJhnQYM7mV8rTM5WqLUNw&cad=rjt discussion
in short, according to "this site ":http://www.ssw.com.au/ssw/Standards/Rules/RulesToBetterWindowsForms.aspx#AvoidMDI
- Constrained within a smaller window
- Only show as one window on the taskbar
- Have no multiple monitor support (the killer reason)
That said, I think MDI has its own strong position though.
- No interleaving of documents with documents from other applications
- Drag & Drop is hard to do between different documents within the application
- No direct way to see which documents are open (unless you use a list like Qt Creator does)
- For mac: doesn't fit mac paradigms
This is a helpful example on creating an MDI: