Can build qtwebkit2.2 use QtCreator in QtSDK4.8 ?
Use QtCreator->open project->QtWebKit2.2.0_UnZipDir/Source/,right click on "WebKit" and select "Rebuild Project 'Webkit'",there are a lot of file missing errors:
Running build steps for project WebKit...
Starting: "/home/compiler/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/474/gcc/bin/qmake" /home/compiler/QtWebKit- -r -spec linux-g++-32
Reading /home/compiler/QtWebKit- [/home/compiler/QtWebKit-]
Reading /home/compiler/QtWebKit- [/home/compiler/QtWebKit-]
Reading /home/compiler/QtWebKit- [/home/compiler/QtWebKit-]
Project MESSAGE: Disabling video due the lack of GLib/Gio/GStreamer.
Reading /home/compiler/QtWebKit- [/home/compiler/QtWebKit-]
Project MESSAGE: Disabling video due the lack of GLib/Gio/GStreamer.
WARNING: Failure to find: /WebCore/generated/MathMLNames.cpp
WARNING: Failure to find: /WebCore/generated/MathMLElementFactory.cpp
WARNING: Failure to find: /WebCore/generated/SVGNames.cpp
WARNING: Failure to find: /WebCore/generated/SVGElementFactory.cpp
WARNING: Failure to find: /WebCore/generated/JSSVGElementWrapperFactory.cpp
WARNING: Failure to find: /WebCore/generated/XLinkNames.cpp
WARNING: Failure to find: /WebCore/generated/CSSPropertyNames.cpp
WARNING: Failure to find: /WebCore/generated/CSSValueKeywords.cpp
and if select "run" in the left panel of QtCreator, there will be a
"/home/compiler/QtWebKit- error: RegExpJitTables.h: No such file or directory"
I remember that early days QT.SDK 474 build qtWebKit 460 there also has this message:
xxxxx/JavaScriptCore/../../Source/JavaScriptCore/yarr/YarrPattern.cpp:38: error: RegExpJitTables.h: No such file or directory”
I think this problem like this: there is a *.pro file in the project and this project may be build use UI build in QtCreator, not just use CMD like "WebKit/Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --qt".
Am I right ? -
if select “run” in the left panel of QtCreator, there will be a
“/home/compiler/QtWebKit- error: RegExpJitTables.h: No such file or directory”
I have found the objective file and set this include as absolute path to that file, it works but another file can not be found.
Is there any one use QtCreator to build QtWebKit?If not, the *.pro file in the directory use for what?