QRegExp string matching fails
Hey there
I got a QStringList as follows:
[0] "DC07 B 1 "2""
[1] "DC07 B 2 "Test""
[2] "DC07 A 3"
Trying to find an index of a specific string in this list i use
QRegExp("DC07 B 1 "*"", Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard)
which SHOULD give me the first item in the QStringList - but it won't work out!Some code:
QStringList stringList = response.split("\r\n"); // response from a rs232-device
int index = stringList.indexOf(QRegExp("DC07 B 1 "*"", Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard)); // returns -1
QString result = stringList.at(index); // Some more stuff which doesn't really matter
@Since i have other similar QRegExp-matchings which actually work just like this, I'm a little confused and ask for you to help me :)
so long
[quote author="koahnig" date="1325598584"]Did you try to double your back slashes? Like:
QRegExp("DC07 B 1 \"*\"", Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard)
[/quote]Won't compile since \"*\" is no legit escape sequence.
I even tried @QRegExp("DC07 B 1 *", Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard)@ wich return -1 aswell! -
Nope, i checked that - it isn't empty.
Other patterns work like a charm, mostly same syntax just looking for other key words.Just to clear the reason for matching: the device may change the order of its output-lines which I'm trying to match, for getting a specific information. Thats why I can't just take a constant index of the QStringList. The actual information I need is the number in quotes (in my example it's 2).
Edit: Just tried something which confuses me even more...
I took the same QStringList and tried to find my needed string via QString::contains():
stringList.contains("DC07 A 3"); // returns true
stringList.contains("DC07 B 1 "2""); // returns false
stringList.contains("DC07 B 2 "Test""); // returns true
@ -
QStringList stringList;
stringList << "DC07 B 1 "2""
<< "DC07 B 2 "Test""
<< "DC07 A 3";stringList.indexOf(QRegExp("DC07 B 1 "*"", Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard)); // 0
stringList.indexOf(QRegExp("DC07 B 2 ", Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard)); // 1
stringList.indexOf(QRegExp("DC07 A 3", Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard)); // 2
@It would go for regular expressions anyways.
QString value(const QStringList &list, const QString &id)
QRegExp pattern(id + " "(.*)"");
pattern.indexIn(list.value(list.indexOf(pattern)));return pattern.cap(1);
value(stringList, "DC07 B 1"); // "2"
value(stringList, "DC07 B 2"); // "Test"
value(stringList, "DC07 A 3"); // ""
@ -
After a long, long way of try and error it somewhat worked. I guess it had something to do with the format the data was recieved from my device. But thank you anyway for your help! Much appreciated =)