Qt 4.8 supported platforms
Had a look at the list of supported platforms for "4.7":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/doc/qt-4.7/supported-platforms.html and "4.8":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/doc/qt-4.8/supported-platforms.html, and was a bit surprised to see that Windows CE / Mobile, Meego and Maemo are no longer listed as supported platforms?! And Symbian is listed at the top, but not among the Tier 1 or Tier 2 platforms.
What does this mean, I wonder? -
[quote author="ludde" date="1325595592"]Had a look at the list of supported platforms for "4.7":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/doc/qt-4.7/supported-platforms.html and "4.8":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/doc/qt-4.8/supported-platforms.html, and was a bit surprised to see that Windows CE / Mobile, Meego and Maemo are no longer listed as supported platforms?!
[/quote]In general development of all these platforms (Windows Mobile, Maemo and MeeGo) is suspended by the platform vendors. It seems that we will not see any new devices on the market running with these platforms :(
Windows CE and some other platforms are still commercialy supported by Digia.
And it is possible to compile opensource Qt 4.8 for Windows CE, the only real problem is that every Windows CE SDK is a different story (it is easier to first build a Windows CE image+SDK "optimized for Qt" and then build Qt for it than using a preexisting Image+SDK).
I guess one of the reasons Windows CE is not listed anymore is that developers using Qt + Windows CE are a tiny subset compared to those using Qt + Linux on embedded devices and with such an SDK fragmentation it is quite problematic to support so many different configurations with lots of dependancies on specific one-of-a-kind SDK+hardware combo (the weirdest part is that at least with Linux there is more de facto standardization of system libraries and debugging tools support, not to mention you don't have to deal with Windows CE memory management kludges).