How to get both index and selected item at asame time in qtreewidget?
Hi i have a problem...In my tree widget i wanted to know the selected (actually checked) item index
for that i used signal
@Now i wanted along with index i needed current item too, for that one more signal i got
@connect(ui->treeWidget_FilesSelected,SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)),this,SLOT(GetSelectedSignalItm(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)))@but i wanted a signal to get index and current item at a same can i do that?
please help me...i tried in manual but didnt understand how can i get both index and current item at same time... -
You could use a two staged approach, if you really need to have both at the same time.
Receive the model index through first connection of signal clicked to your slot. Subsequently, you can "retrieve a pointer to your item": and send the signal with both as you require.
However, the question is, if you still require to have both sent in a signal.