Dynamic language translation with using qsTranslate
I want dynamic translation in my application but due to Qt bug currently dynamic translation is not supported so i have used work around solution described "here":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/3307/#21454 .In my application i have used ListView in which listmodel is in different file so i have used QT_TR_NOOP() in list model and qsTranslate() in list delegate but it doesn't work and i am also confused about what should be context argument in qsTranslate. can anyone help in this?
got it.
i manage to work qsTranslate in my application when delegate and listmodel are in different file by specifying context property of qsTranslate() as name of the list element's qml file name, but in my application one deligation is being used by too many list model so does any body knows how to specify context property for different list model file in one deligate? -
qsTranslate takes the argument context which is will be file name where our model defined. by default file's context will be same as file name.