Starting with QT and doubts about C++
I'm starting with QT 4, but I need to know what I've to learn about C++, because I don't have so much time to learn all things of C++ although this language is very interesting.
I already learned and worked with C and have a little knowledge of QT Widgets (very very basic).
There is no definite answer to this question, this is far too vague. In on or the other corner you will stumble upon many if not most of the features C++ gives us. What you definitely will need as an absolute minimum
- basic constructs like loops, variable declaration, etc. (that should be easy, as it's like C)
- the difference between declaring and defining things
- the difference between values, references and pointers
- classes
- inheritance
- operator overloading
- polymorphic classes
- using templates
- virtual and non virtual methods, how to use them
- compilation units, what's the compiler, what's the linker
I'm pretty sure I forgot a good number..
[quote author="brunoluiz" date="1325458719"]Thank you.
I remembered other question: there is some limitation for QT for embedded devices?[/quote]
Basically: no. The functionality is available on every platform. There are some limitations here and there, but they are mentioned in the respective docs.
[quote author="brunoluiz" date="1325452193"]Hello,
I'm starting with QT 4, but I need to know what I've to learn about C++, because I don't have so much time to learn all things of C++ although this language is very interesting.
[/quote]Well, Qt is built on C++, so it exploits all the features that C++ can give you. This does not mean you have to know everything about C++: classes, inheritance, memory allocation (and deallocation), operator overloading, refrences and virtual method would suffice to start. However it depends on what you are trying to build with Qt. I suggest you to take the time to learn C++ while implementing in Qt, and to read a good C++/Qt book (C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4, 1st and 2nd Edition, by Jasmin Blanchette, Mark Summerfield as an example). Beside that, try to use good patterns and development with Qt will be easy and fun.
According to Qt Certification Program:
So, if you are new in C++:
Accelerated C++, by Andrew Koenig, Barbara E. Moo
(For beginners, this book is perfect)
Thinking in C++, vol 1 and vol 2, by Bruce Eckel
(IMHO the BEST C++ book ever written)
Effective C++ series by by Scott Meyers.
(Only for advanced developers!)And, if you try to learn Qt:
C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4, by Jasmin Blanchette & Mark Summerfield
(This is the official Qt book)
Foundations of Qt Development, by Johan Thelin
(Very well written Qt book)
An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4, by Paul & ALan Ezust
(An introductory C++ and Qt)
The Book of Qt 4: The Art of Building Qt Applications, by Daniel Molkentin
(Very well written Qt book)Advanced Qt Programming, by Mark Summerfield
(Only for advanced developers!)Well, I offer you "only" ~5000 pages reading :)
(I've read all of them, so I can offer this books!) -
[quote author="brunoluiz" date="1325542793"]Do you have an ebook version (PDF or ePub) of these books? I've the C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 (version 1), but the others I didn't found.[/quote]
You can search on Amazon or other engines alike.
By the way, be aware that "migrating from C to C++" is often just a syntax highlight, in order to program C++ you have to think in C++, not to adjust C to C++. That is my opinion. -
[post removed by mariusg/admin - get the books through proper channels please - is a good starting point]