[SOLVED] QtCreator/maddeveloper issue on N900 ("SSH connection failure: Server rejected password")
Has anyone seen this message when attempting to test the connection between N900/maddeveloper(2.2) and QtCreator(2.4.0) over wlan: "SSH connection failure: Server rejected password"
I think the problem has occurred because I flashed to the latest PR1.3.x recently (the certificate fix version) and it's confused things with the keys that were already on there. I tried to create a new connection and when I enter the developer password it gives this message: "SSH connection failure: Server rejected password."
Has anyone else seen this problem please?
Googling came up with these two issues which don't seem to help much:
http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=72643Thanks in advance for any help - please let me know if I need to explain this better.