No network interfaces have flag "CanMulticast" in Windows UWP app
General and Desktop
I printed the flags for network interfaces and they show that no interface has
flag set.
So I believe that is the reason, why socket fails to join multicast group.
The same code runs just fine on Windows (non-UWP), Ubuntu, Android, iOS.
I run this sample on Windows under Virtualbox. But I also tested in real Windows machine and Windows tablet.Here is the code:
if (m_multicastSocket->state() != QAbstractSocket::BoundState) { if (!m_multicastSocket->bind(QHostAddress::AnyIPv4, MULTICAST_HELLO_PORT, QAbstractSocket::ShareAddress | QAbstractSocket::ReuseAddressHint)) { LOGW << "Error: Failed to bind multicast socket!"; return; } else LOGD << "Successfully bound to multicast HELLO port:" << MULTICAST_HELLO_PORT; const QString& ifName = ClientNetworkManager::instance().desiredInterfaceName(); if (!ifName.isEmpty()) m_multicastSocket->setMulticastInterface(QNetworkInterface::interfaceFromName(ifName)); for (const auto& i : QNetworkInterface::allInterfaces()) { LOGW << "Interface:" << << "loopback:" << bool(i.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsLoopBack) << "\nrunning:" << bool(i.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsRunning) << "\nmulticast:" <<bool(i.flags() & QNetworkInterface::CanMulticast) << "\naddress is empty:" << i.addressEntries().isEmpty(); if (!(i.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsLoopBack) && (i.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsRunning) && (i.flags() & QNetworkInterface::CanMulticast) && (!i.addressEntries().isEmpty())) { if (!m_multicastSocket->joinMulticastGroup(QHostAddress(MULTICAST_HELLO_GROUP), i)) { LOGW << "Error: Joining multicast group failed on interface" << << i.humanReadableName() << i.hardwareAddress() << "with error:" << m_multicastSocket->errorString(); } else LOGW << "Successfully joined multicast group on interface" << << i.humanReadableName() << i.hardwareAddress(); } } }
The log output is:
Successfully bound to multicast HELLO port: 55555 Interface: "{76FCD10B-5F45-4155-9C42-31960A66A6E2}" loopback: false running: true multicast: false address is empty: false Interface: "{76FCD10B-5F45-4155-9C42-31960A66A6E2}" loopback: false running: true multicast: false address is empty: true
The log for the same app rebuilt as normal Windows app:
Successfully bound to multicast HELLO port: 55555 Interface: "ethernet_32771" loopback: false running: true multicast: true address is empty: false Successfully joined multicast group on interface "ethernet_32771" "vEthernet (Default Switch) 2" "50:15:5D:D0:DB:77" Interface: "ethernet_32774" loopback: false running: true multicast: true address is empty: false Successfully joined multicast group on interface "ethernet_32774" "Ethernet 2" "08:00:27:DC:00:5D" Interface: "loopback_0" loopback: true running: true multicast: true address is empty: false Interface: "ethernet_32780" loopback: false running: true multicast: true address is empty: false Successfully joined multicast group on interface "ethernet_32780" "vEthernet (nat) 2" "00:15:5D:C8:5C:2A"
QT multicastreceiver example produces the same results.
Do you have any hints?