Mac OS clicking on a already shown menu (which contains submenu) closes the menu
I am observing a bug in my Qt application on Mac OX platform and it can be observed using Qt Menu sample program.
As an example, the Applications menu is full of items which open submenus. If you mouseover one of these items, the submenu will appear after an appropriate pause. However, the convention for most UIs is that the user can also click on the item to force the submenu to open immediately. If the submenu is already open, clicking on the menu item should do nothing.
On Mac OS , clicking on the menu item causes the item to briefly flash as though it were selected and then the entire menu closes.
- Go to $QTDIR\examples\mainwindows\menus directory.
- Start menu app
- Click on Edit -> Format menu item. It would open Format submenu containing various option (Bold, Italic etc..)
- While Edit menu and Format submens are visible, if you click on Format menu item, entire menu disappears.
It does not happen with non-native menus and context menus on Mac OS platform. This problem is reproducible with native menus. Other applications on Mac OS such as Safari does not exhibit this problem.
It seems to be a Qt bug. Is there any work-around available for this problem.
It seesm to be a Qt bug. There is a open isssue "QTBUG-10706": It wold be great if someone can provide me any workaround.
[EDIT: added link to bug, Volker]