Combo Box calling slot without connect
Hello every one,
I am working on python (3.8.1) gui using PyQt5 (5.12.3). I am working on windows 10. To build my gui I used QtDesigner (on QtCreator 4.13.3) and I convert it using pyuic5. If you want to reproduce the issue I placed all the file here:
Files :
- cmdExport.bat : command used to convert the .ui file
- test.ui : File created with QtCreator using QtDesigner
- : File containing my program
- : File generated by the cmdExport.bat
So here is my problem :
I create a class which instantiate the gui generated by pyuic5
class application(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): # Load the design file super(application, self).__init__() # QtWidgets.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = guiTest.Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.comboBox.activated.connect(self.on_comboBox_activated) def on_comboBox_activated(self, value): print('== Enter in on_comboBox_activated ==') print('value = {0}'.format(value)) print('== Leave on_comboBox_activated ==')
The problem is when I clicked on the combo box the slot on_comboBox_activated is called 3 times. If I comment the line :
The slot is also called but 2 times. It seems that if I call a function on_comboBox_activated on the class which instantiate the gui it will be called somewhere. To "solve" the problem I have to change the name of the function in my class like that :
class application(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): # Load the design file super(application, self).__init__() # QtWidgets.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = guiTest.Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.comboBox.activated.connect(self.on_comboBox_activated1) def on_comboBox_activated1(self, value): print('== Enter in on_comboBox_activated ==') print('value = {0}'.format(value)) print('== Leave on_comboBox_activated ==')
What did I do wrong ?
@teddy-ispsystem said in Combo Box calling slot without connect:
With this slot name you're using the auto-connect feature. Rename the slot (remove on_ prefix for example). Also: did you connect in QtDesigner already? All that would explain why it is called 3 times.
Oh ! I didn't know about auto-connect feature it explain everything. It's called 3 times because the slot "activated" has 2 overloading (using QString or int). If I want to filter it I have to use pyqtSlot module and add :
Before the slot.
Many thanks !