QThread - readers and writer
I would like to learn how to use QThread and QSemaphore. I started with mission, where I have 2 readers and 1 writer. There is sharedVariable, which I increment in writer Object. I would like to read this variable's value in reader Objects. I debuq information about threadID and variable value.
I would like to achieve ( for example thread 1 with reader is 0x1 and thread 2 with other reader is x02 ):
0x1 1
0x2 1
0x1 2
0x2 2
0x1 3
0x2 3
0x1 4
0x2 4
0x1 5
0x2 5Now I get ( my debuq - this is only part ):
0x1e28 38
0x1e28 38
0x1e28 38
0x1e28 38
0x1e28 46
0x1e28 46
0x1e28 46So for example I don't get on debuq value 39, 40, 41, 42.
I see each value which is presented only in one thread like this:
0x1e28 215
0x1e28 215
0x1e28 215
0x1e28 218
0x1e28 218
0x1e28 218215 is only in 0x1e28 debuq and 218 is only in 0x1e28 thread.
My codes:
WriterClass#include "writerclass.h" #include <QDebug> WriterClass::WriterClass(int &sharedVariable, QSemaphore *sharedSemaphore): sharedVar(sharedVariable), sharedSem(sharedSemaphore) {} void WriterClass::process() { for(int i=0;i<1000;i++) { sharedSem->acquire(1); sharedVar++; sharedSem->release(1); } emit finished(); }
Reader Class:
#include "readerclass.h" #include <QDebug> ReaderClass::ReaderClass(int &sharedVariable, QSemaphore *sharedSemaphore): sharedVar(sharedVariable), sharedSem(sharedSemaphore) {} void ReaderClass::process() { while(1) { sharedSem->acquire(1); qInfo()<<QThread::currentThreadId()<<sharedVar; if(sharedVar == 1000) { break; } sharedSem->release(1); } emit finished(); }
and mainWindow ( number is int and this is class variable, which started with value 0 ):
sem = new QSemaphore(1); ReaderClass *reader = new ReaderClass(number,sem); ReaderClass *reader2 = new ReaderClass(number,sem); WriterClass *writer1 = new WriterClass(number,sem); QThread* thread = new QThread; QThread* thread2 = new QThread; QThread* thread3 = new QThread; reader->moveToThread(thread); writer1->moveToThread(thread2); reader2->moveToThread(thread3); connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), reader, SLOT(process())); connect(reader, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(quit())); connect(reader, SIGNAL(finished()), reader, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(thread2, SIGNAL(started()), writer1, SLOT(process())); connect(writer1, SIGNAL(finished()), thread2, SLOT(quit())); connect(writer1, SIGNAL(finished()), writer1, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(thread2, SIGNAL(finished()), thread2, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(thread3, SIGNAL(started()), reader2, SLOT(process())); connect(reader2, SIGNAL(finished()), thread3, SLOT(quit())); connect(reader2, SIGNAL(finished()), reader2, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(thread3, SIGNAL(finished()), thread3, SLOT(deleteLater())); thread->start(); thread2->start(); thread3->start();
Why do you think that after the reader executes
a thread context will happen? Same goes for the writer thread.