QTabWidget size, header height
Allo all,
There is the member function setGeometry that can be used to set the position and size of a QTabWidget.
setGeometry(posX, posY, TheWidth, TheHeight)But how can I find out the size of the header?
You know, the upper part where the text shows up?
Because, perhaps on one OS, if I give it TheHeight, the header size would be 30 pixels and on other OS, it might be 60 pixels.
This doesn’t leave much room for the stuff I will show on the client area of the QTabWidget.I need a
someMore = GetTabHeaderHeight();and then, I will call
setGeometry(posX, posY, TheWidth, someMore + TheHeight); -
@stretchthebits why do you want to handle the size of client area manually. Use layout to manage the size.
Nagesh, because I'm not sure how to use layout and in the example that I saw, it looks like it has a mind of its own. I prefer having full control.
@stretchthebits https://gist.github.com/espdev/4f1565b18497a42d317cdf2531b7ef05
you can use stylesheet to change it.