Dynamic Object Management (Create, Delete, Create, ....)
Hello All,
I am in process to build a game using Qt and C++ for Meego. I have come across a scenario in which a box2d word is created and game get started. After quitting game, user go to the main menu and then as he want to play a new game. As user presses new game button and 'gamePage' (which is actually a Rectangle Element) is displayed. In this page I have to place box2d world again with initialized bodies. but in my case bodies in box2d world are in previous positions.
So what I want is that every time new game starts new world should be created and will be placed in 'gamePage'.
I am using following box2d demo to build my game application 'http://projects.developer.nokia.com/mototrialracer'
I have used Loader and Component Elements but these didn't show required results.
here are some code segments to give you more info about the matter.
MouseArea {
anchors.fill : parentonPressed: {
newGameImage.source = "menu_item_h.jpg"
}onReleased: {
newGameImage.source = "menu_item.jpg"
}onClicked: {
newGameImage.source = "menu_item.jpg"mainPage.opacity = 0.0
gamePage.opacity = 1.0//gamePage.loadWorld()
@above code segment is from file MainPage.qml
following is from file GamePage.qml
Component {
id: worldComponentCarromWorld
id: world
objectName: "worldObject"width: worldWidth
height: worldHeight
}Loader {
id: worldLoadersourceComponent : worldComponent
onLoaded: {
console.log("World Loaded: "+ initCtrlElement)
}@Kindly guide me.
[edit: @ code tags added, Eddy]