Unescaped backslashes are depreciated?
Hi I am new to the QT IDE and I am trying to build simple sample program with openCV. I started off with 7 errors which I believe are the result of a warning that I am getting about my the last line in my .pro file
*"Unescaped backslashes are depreciated" * I have pasted the file below. Does anyone know what is meant by "Unescaped backslashes are depreciated"?#-------------------------------------------------
Project created by QtCreator 2011-12-27T20:31:34
QT += core
QT -= gui
TARGET = qt-opencv-take1
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundleTEMPLATE = app
SOURCES += main.cpp
INCLUDEPATH += C:\OpenCV2.2\include
LIBS += -LC:\OpenCV2.2\lib