Qt Creator active Sidebar
Hi all,
I am using Qt Creator 4.14.0 and I want to be able to chose which sidebar is for "Open Type/Include hierarchy" command purpose and which are with constant content.
Now I have next Sidebars: two at left and one at right. I want two at Left have constant content( let's say Project and Open documents), whereas Right one should be active and used for commands like "Open Type/Include hierarchy".
But every time I select "Open Type/Include" I get my Top Left Sidebar with changed content. And it is absolutely awful.I tried to close/reopen sidebars, thinking may be there is some related priority, but there isn't.
In some previous Qt Creator that worked good: Right Sidebar was for changes.
Is there any chance to change active sidebar?
Hi @iwons,
usually the developers answer questions on the mailing list but not in the forum.
But as you said it worked in former times, you may as well create a bugreport directly: bugreports.qt.io/QTCREATORBUG
Please add a link to the continuation of the discussion here, so others can follow later.
Thanks and regards