QtQuick doesnot works on embedded device TI AM3358 using eglfs through yocto
The embedded device TIAM3358 does supports hardware acceleration with integrated g-cpu. After recompiling Qt 5.6.3/Qt 5.15.3 using yocto with eglfs platform plugin, it throws below errors on running QtQuickControls2 gallery example application:
pvrsrvkm: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
pvrsrvkm: Unknown symbol drm_legacy_mmap (err 0)
pvrsrvkm: Unknown symbol drm_legacy_mmap (err 0)
pvrsrvkm: Unknown symbol drm_legacy_mmap (err 0)If we enable opengl(mesa) in distribution connf, the performance of the same QtQuick example application is very slow like the cpu load is more than 90%. By default, the platform plugin linuxfb works well on the embedded device with Qt widgets.
Are we missing any hardware requirements to run QtQuick(or QtQuickcontrols2) especially dedicated gpu and frame rate 60fps on embedded device or any specific yocto configuration?
Appreciate for your suggestions in this regard.