Can not copy analyzer's line annotations
I consider this like a bug, but it also might be missing feature:When you make some coding bug, or mistake leading to compiler warning you can see line annotation. When you wait for popup with details - there are available buttons to copy or ignore. Exactly like described here:
However buttons are unavailable for line annotations that comes from analyzer (so from all: CppCheck, Clang-Tidy and Clazy checks):
which forces user to rewrite (sometimes really long) warning/info message to check the reason for it.Moreover, above presented line annotations have their "title", so it's clear which "tool" complains about something. There is no such "title" on Clang-Tidy and Clazy checks which makes even harder to distinguish where from warning comes.
Am I doing something wrong? Did I missed some checkbox to have this "copy" button? Or it is only my local problem?
Fragments from "System information":
OS: Windows 10 Version 1909 [winnt version 10.0.18363] Architecture: x86_64; Plugin information: + ClangFormat 4.14.0 + ClangTools 4.14.0 + CppTools 4.14.0 + Cppcheck 4.14.0 Qt Creator 4.14.0 Based on Qt 5.15.2 (MSVC 2019, 64 bit) From revision 909f74dc56 Built on Dec 17 2020 07:57:05