QMYSQL works with minGW c++ desktop application but not works the same code with android_armv7 on android on windows
Hi Guys!
First of all, yes i see this gide: https://wiki.qt.io/Build_Qt_5_MySQL_Plugin_for_Android
But this is not so clear for me :( If somebody can guide this for me (if its a real solution for my problem) with some clear steps or a little tutorial video, please help! Its really importent for me, i would be really really grateful for it! :)
My app is just for practise, i have a mysql server and i just want to write a record date to the somewhere. I tested, work with QT c++ desktop application with mingw and i would like to achive the same with same code just on android and with android_armv7 kit. I use windows 10 64bit and QT5.
Thanks for helping! :) (sorry if i am still very lame) -
That is unrelated to Androïd.
There are lots of possibilities but if you would like to stay with Qt, then the Cutelyst project will be of interest.
Otherwise, FastAPI is also a simple Python package to get started.
Yes, building the MariaDB stuff for Androïd is the only solution.
However, accessing a database like that from a mobile device usually means that you are going to expose said database through internet which is a very bad idea.
The usual way to do that kind of stuff is to create a REST web service that will do the interaction with the database behind it in a secure environnement. That way you découple the database and you can even change it more easily if needed.
That is unrelated to Androïd.
There are lots of possibilities but if you would like to stay with Qt, then the Cutelyst project will be of interest.
Otherwise, FastAPI is also a simple Python package to get started.