Code as text
#include "form.h"
#include <QApplication>
#include "ui_menuwindow.h"int main(int argc, char*argv[] ) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MWindow window;;
return app.exec();
#ifndef FORM_H
#define FORM_H
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include "ui_cwwindow.h"
#include "ui_menuwindow.h"const long fosc = 171798692 ; //Quartzoscillator frequency
class MWindow : public QMainWindow, private Ui::CwWindow {
MWindow(); // constructor
~MWindow() {} // destructordouble get_FR();
unsigned char get_Fb();
long long get_YIGFr();
unsigned int get_YIGDA();
unsigned int get_YIGFilter();
unsigned char get_Ndiv();
//double get_FrDDS();
long get_Phase();
unsigned char get_Koswitch();
unsigned char get_Att();
unsigned int get_Pow();private slots:
void analyseDialog();
void updatef();
void updatep();private:
double FR ; // input frequency [Hz]
double P; // output power [dBm] or [mW]
unsigned char Fb ; // frequency range
long long YIGFr ; //requiered YIG frequency
unsigned int YIGDA ; //requiered YIG D/A
unsigned int YIGFilter ; //requiered YIG Filter
unsigned char Ndiv ; //divider factor for PLL SDI
//double FrDDS ; //requiered DDS frequency = YIGFR/Ndiv -fosc (18667400.00Hz <= FrDDS <= 28201308.00Hz)
long Phase ; //decimal value of 32-bit frequency tuning word for DDS AD9851 = 25*FrDDS
unsigned char Koswitch ; //koaxswitch 3 to 8 decoder HCT 238
unsigned char Att ; //60dB attenuator step 10dB
unsigned int Pow; // input power range fine (0 - 10dB) SDIint decimals ;
double minimum;
double maximum;};
#include "form.h"
#include "i2ccwn.h"
#include <math.h>//Constructor
MWindow::MWindow() {
//Signal-Slot connection
connect( pushButton_2, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
this, SLOT(analyseDialog() ) );connect( pushButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
qApp, SLOT(quit() ) );connect( pushButton_2, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
this, SLOT(updatef() ) );connect( pushButton_2, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
this, SLOT(updatep() ) );
}void MWindow::analyseDialog() {
if(comboBox->currentText() == "GHz" ) {
doubleSpinBox->setMaximum ( 31.999999999 );
doubleSpinBox->setDecimals( 9 );
}else if(comboBox->currentText() == "MHz" ) {
doubleSpinBox->setMaximum ( 31999.999999 );
doubleSpinBox->setDecimals( 6 );
}else if(comboBox->currentText() == "KHz" ) {
doubleSpinBox->setMaximum ( 31999999.999 );
doubleSpinBox->setDecimals( 3 );}
else if(comboBox->currentText() == "Hz" ) {
doubleSpinBox->setMaximum ( 31999999999 );
doubleSpinBox->setDecimals( 0 );
}if( comboBox_2->currentText() == "dBm" ) {
doubleSpinBox_2-> setDecimals( 2 ) ;
doubleSpinBox_2-> setMinimum( -50.00 ) ;
doubleSpinBox_2-> setMaximum( 20.00 ) ;
}else if( comboBox_2->currentText() == "mW" ) { doubleSpinBox_2-> setDecimals( 5 ) ; doubleSpinBox_2-> setMinimum( 0.00001 ) ; doubleSpinBox_2-> setMaximum( 100.00000 ) ;
} // End of "analyseDialog()"
double MWindow::get_FR() {
if(comboBox->currentText() == "GHz" ) {
FR = doubleSpinBox->value() * 1000000000;
return FR;
}else if(comboBox->currentText() == "MHz" ) {
FR = doubleSpinBox->value() * 1000000;
return FR;
}else if(comboBox->currentText() == "KHz" ) {
FR = doubleSpinBox->value() * 1000;
return FR;
}else if(comboBox->currentText() == "Hz" ) {
FR = doubleSpinBox->value();
return FR;
} // End of "get_FR"unsigned char MWindow::get_Fb() {
//get_FR(); Segmentation fault
//cw->get_FR(); -------"----------
//this->get_FR(); -------"----------if( FR < 62500000 ) { "
Fb = 0; "
return Fb; "
}else if( (FR >= 62500000E+6) && (FR < 125000000 ) ) {
Fb = ( FR < 88000000 ) ?1 : 2;
return Fb;
}else if( (FR >= 125000000) && (FR < 250000000 ) ) {
Fb = ( FR < 177000000 ) ?3 : 4;
return Fb;
}else if( (FR >= 250000000) && (FR < 500000000 ) ) {
Fb = ( FR < 353000000 ) ?5 : 6;
return Fb;
}else if( (FR >= 500000000) && (FR < 1000000000 ) ) {
Fb = ( FR < 707000000 ) ?7 : 8;
return Fb;
}else if( (FR >= 1000000000) && (FR < 2000000000 ) ) {
Fb = ( FR < 1400000000 ) ?9 : 10;
return Fb;
}else if( (FR >= 2000000000) && (FR < 4000000000 ) ) {
Fb = ( FR < 2800000000 ) ?11 : 12;
return Fb;
}else if( (FR >= 4000000000) && (FR < 8000000000 ) ) {
Fb = ( FR < 5600000000 ) ?13 : 14;
return Fb;
}else if( (FR >= 8000000000) && (FR < 16000000000 ) ) {
Fb = ( FR < 11200000000 ) ?15 : 16;
return Fb;
}else if( (FR >= 16000000000) && (FR < 32000000000 ) ) {
Fb = ( FR < 22400000000 ) ?17 : 18;
return Fb;
}// Fb = 12;
// returnFb; Segmentation faultreturn 12; // OK without 'Segmentation fault' ...gibt '12' über I2C-Bus aus
} //End of "get_Fb"
unsigned char MWindow::get_Att() {
if( (comboBox_2->currentText() == "dBm" ) ) {
if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > 10.0 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= 20.0 ) ) {
Att = 0 ;
return Att;
else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > 0.0 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= 10.0 ) ) {
Att = 10 ;
return Att;
}else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > -10.0 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= 0.0 ) ) { Att = 20 ; return Att; } else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > -20.0 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= -10.0 ) ) { Att = 30 ; return Att; } else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > -30.0 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= -20.0 ) ) { Att = 40 ; return Att; } else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > -40.0 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= -30.0 ) ) { Att = 50 ; return Att; } else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > -50.0 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= -40.0 ) ) { Att = 60 ; return Att; }
else if( (comboBox_2->currentText() == "mW" ) ) {
if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > 10.0 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= 100.0 ) ) {
Att = 0 ;
return Att;
}else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > 1.0 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= 10.0 ) ) { Att = 10 ; return Att; } else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > 0.1 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= 1.0 ) ) { Att = 20 ; return Att; } else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > 0.01 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= 0.1 ) ) { Att = 30 ; return Att; } else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > 0.001 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= 0.01 ) ) { Att = 40 ; return Att; } else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > 0.0001 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= 0.001 ) ) { Att = 50 ; return Att; } else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > 0.00001 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= 0.0001 ) ) { Att = 60 ; return Att; }
} //End of "get_Att()"
unsigned int MWindow::get_Pow() {
if( (comboBox_2->currentText() == "dBm" ) ) {
if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > 10.0 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= 20.0 ) ) {
Pow = ( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value()-10.0) / 10) * 65536 ;
return Pow;
}else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > 0.0 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= 10.0 ) ) { Pow = ( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value()-0.0 ) / 10) * 6/7 * 65536 ; return Pow; } else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > -10.0 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= 0.0 ) ) { Pow = ( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value()+10.0 ) / 10) * 5/7 * 65536 ; return Pow; } else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > -20.0 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= -10.0 ) ) { Pow = ( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value()+20.0 ) / 10) * 4/7 * 65536 ; return Pow; } else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > -30.0 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= -20.0 ) ) { Pow = ( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value()+30.0 ) / 10) * 3/7 * 65536 ; return Pow; } else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > -40.0 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= -30.0 ) ) { Pow = ( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value()+40.0 ) / 10) * 2/7 * 65536 ; return Pow; } else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > -50.0 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= -40.0 ) ) { Pow = ( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value()+50.0 ) / 10) * 1/7 * 65536 ; return Pow; }
else if( (comboBox_2->currentText() == "mW" ) ) {
if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > 10.0 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= 100.0 ) ) {
// Pow = (log10(doubleSpinBox_2-> value() ) -log10(10.0) ) * 65536.0 ;
Pow = log10(doubleSpinBox_2-> value() / 10.0 ) * 65536.0 ;
return Pow;
}else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > 1.0 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= 10.0 ) ) {
// Pow = (log10(doubleSpinBox_2-> value() ) -log10(1.0) ) * 65536.0 ;
Pow = log10(doubleSpinBox_2-> value() / 1.0 ) * 6/7 * 65536.0 ;
return Pow;
}else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > 0.1 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= 1.0 ) ) {
// Pow = (log10(doubleSpinBox_2-> value() ) -log10(0.1) ) * 5/7 * 65536.0 ;
Pow = log10(doubleSpinBox_2-> value() / 0.1 ) * 5/7 * 65536.0 ;
return Pow;
}else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > 0.01 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= 0.1 ) ) {
// Pow = (log10(doubleSpinBox_2-> value() ) -log10(0.01) ) * 4/7 * 65536.0 ;
Pow = log10(doubleSpinBox_2-> value() / 0.01 ) * 4/7 * 65536.0 ;
return Pow;
}else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > 0.001 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= 0.01 ) ) {
// Pow = (log10(doubleSpinBox_2-> value() ) -log10(0.001) ) * 3/7 * 65536.0 ;
Pow = log10(doubleSpinBox_2-> value() / 0.001 ) * 3/7 * 65536.0
Pow = log10(doubleSpinBox_2-> value() / 0.0001 ) * 2/7 * 65536.0 ;
return Pow;
}else if( (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() > 0.00001 ) && (doubleSpinBox_2-> value() <= 0.0001 ) ) {
// Pow = (log10(doubleSpinBox_2-> value() ) -log10(0.00001) ) * 1/7 * 65536.0 ;
Pow = log10(doubleSpinBox_2-> value() / 0.00001 ) * 1/7 * 65536.0 ;
return Pow;
} // End of "get Pow"
long long MWindow::get_YIGFr() {
if( (FR >= 62500000) && (FR < 125000000 ) ) {
YIGFr = FR * 64;
return YIGFr ;
}else if( (FR >= 125000000) && (FR < 250000000 ) ) {
YIGFr = FR * 32;
return YIGFr ;
}else if( (FR >= 250000000) && (FR < 500000000 ) ) {
YIGFr = FR * 16;
return YIGFr ;
}else if( (FR >= 500000000) && (FR < 1000000000 ) ) {
YIGFr = FR * 8;
return YIGFr ;
}else if( (FR >= 1000000000) && (FR < 2000000000 ) ) {
YIGFr = FR * 4;
return YIGFr ;
}else if( (FR >= 2000000000) && (FR < 4000000000 ) ) {
YIGFr = FR * 2;
return YIGFr ;
}else if( (FR >= 4000000000) && (FR < 8000000000 ) ) {
YIGFr = FR ;
return YIGFr ;
}else if( (FR >= 8000000000) && (FR < 16000000000 ) ) {
YIGFr = FR / 2;
return YIGFr ;
}else if( (FR >= 16000000000) && (FR < 32000000000 ) ) {
YIGFr = FR / 4;
return YIGFr ;
}} // End of "get_YIGFr()
unsigned int MWindow::get_YIGDA() {
YIGDA = (YIGFr/4000000000 -1) * 65536 ;
return YIGDA ;
} // End of "get_YIGDA()"unsigned int MWindow::get_YIGFilter() {
YIGFilter = (YIGFr/4000000000 -1) * 65536 ;
return YIGFilter ;
} // End of "get_YIGFilter()"unsigned char MWindow::get_Koswitch() {
if ( FR < 10000000 ) {
Koswitch = 0b00000000 ;
return Koswitch;
}else if( ( FR >= 10000000) && ( FR < 62500000) ) {
Koswitch = 0b00100000 ;
return Koswitch;
}else if( ( FR >= 62500000) && ( FR < 4000000000) ) {
Koswitch = 0b01000000 ;
return Koswitch;
}else if( ( FR >= 4000000000) && ( FR < 8000000000) ) {
Koswitch = 0b01100000 ;
return Koswitch;
}else if( ( FR >= 8000000000) && ( FR < 16000000000) ) {
Koswitch = 0b10000000 ;
return Koswitch;
}else if( ( FR >= 16000000000) && ( FR < 32000000000) ) {
Koswitch = 0b10100000 ;
return Koswitch;
}} //End of "get_Koswitch()"
unsigned char MWindow::get_Ndiv() {
int n={0},FrDDS={0};
if( YIGFr > 6000000000) {
// (( n >= 31 ) && ( n <= 40 ) );
n = 31;
}else if( YIGFr <= 6000000000 ) {
// (( n >= 20 ) && ( n <= 30 ) );
n = 20;
do {
FrDDS = YIGFr/n - fosc ;
Ndiv = n++ ;
while (!( FrDDS >= 18677400 && FrDDS <= 28201308 ) );
if (n > 41) {
return 1;
return Ndiv;} // End of "get_Ndiv()"
long MWindow::get_Phase() {
Phase = 25 * (YIGFr / Ndiv - fosc) ;
return Phase;} //End of "get_Phase()"
//---------------SLOT Definition------------------
void MWindow::updatef(double) {
I2CCWn m_i2ccwn(2, 0x20); //object
//I2CCWn m_i2ccwnb; //object for default constructor callif(get_FR() !>= doubleSpinBox->value() ) {
FR = doubleSpinBox->value() ;
}void MWindow::updatep(double) {
I2CCWn m_i2ccwn(2, 0x20); //object
// m_i2ccwn.writeAtt(); //Segmentation fault// if( att != Att) {
// Att = att;
// m_i2ccwn.writeAtt();
// }}
#ifndef I2C_H_
#define I2C_H_#include <QObject>
#define BBB_I2C_1 "/dev/i2c-1"
#define BBB_I2C_2 "/dev/i2c-2"class I2CCWn{
unsigned int bus;
unsigned int device;
int file;public:
I2CCWn(unsigned int bus, unsigned int device); //constructor declarationI2CCWn(); //default constructor declaration int open();
// virtual int write(unsigned char value);
// virtual unsigned char readRegister(unsigned int registerAddress);
// virtual unsigned char* readRegisters(unsigned int number, unsigned int fromAddress=0);
// virtual int writeRegister(unsigned int registerAddress, unsigned char value);
int writeRegister(unsigned int registerAddress, unsigned char value);
// virtual void debugDumpRegisters(unsigned int number = 0xff);
virtual void close();
virtual ~I2CCWn();void writeAtt(); void writePow(); //SDI void writeFb(); void writeYIGDA(); void writeYIGFilter(); void writeKoswitch(); void writeNdiv(); //SDI void writePhase();
// virtual ~I2CCWn();
//} /* namespace exploringBB */
#endif /* I2C_H_ */
#include "i2ccwn.h"
#include "form.h"#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/i2c.h>
#include <linux/i2c-dev.h>
using namespace std;#define HEX(x) setw(2) << setfill('0') << hex << (int)(x)
class MWindow;
MWindow* cw; // Object
//MWindow cw; // Object---Must construct a QApplication before a QPaintDevice#define IODIRA 0x00 // Input/Output -Direction Register A
#define IODIRB 0x01 // Input/Output -Direction Register B
#define OLATA 0x14 // Output Latch A
#define OLATB 0x15 // Output Latch B// constructor
//I2CCWn::I2CCWn (unsigned int bus = 2, unsigned int device = 0x20) {
I2CCWn::I2CCWn (unsigned int bus, unsigned int device) {bus = bus;
device = device;
file = -1;
writeRegister(IODIRA, 0x00); // 0x00 sets all 8bits of Input/Output -Direction Register A to Output
writeRegister(IODIRB, 0x00); // 0x00 sets all 8bits of Input/Output -Direction Register B to Output
}// constructor
I2CCWn::I2CCWn() {
// QObject (parent),
bus= 2;
device= 0x28; //device 0x20 or 0x28
file= -1;
writeRegister(IODIRA, 0x00);
writeRegister(IODIRB, 0x00);
}// Method open
int I2CCWn::open(){
string name = BBB_I2C_2;if((this->file=::open(name.c_str(), O_RDWR)) < 0){
perror("I2C: failed to open the bus\n");
return 1;
}if(ioctl(this->file, I2C_SLAVE, this->device) < 0){
perror("I2C: Failed to connect to the device\n");
return 1;
return 0;
}int I2CCWn::writeRegister(unsigned int registerAddress, unsigned char value) {
unsigned char buffer[2];
buffer[0] = registerAddress;
buffer[1] = value;
if(::write(this->file, buffer, 2)!=2) {
perror("I2C: Failed write to the device\n");
return 1;
return 0;
}//Method to output Att on I2C
void I2CCWn:: writeAtt () {
writeRegister (OLATA,cw->get_Att());
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x0f);
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x10);
//Method to output Pow on I2C/SPIvoid I2CCWn:: writePow () {
device = 0x28;
writeRegister (0x28,0xf0,0x05); //Bridge SC18IS602B MSB_First, SPI-Clock 0 quit, Data clocked on trailing edge SPI
device = 0x20; //SPI clock rate 461kHz
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x15); //Synch AD5660-2 set
device = 0x28;
writeRegister (0x28,0x01,0x00,cw->get_Pow() ) i; //input Pow-data
// writeRegister (0x28,0x01,0x00,cw.get_Pow() ) i; //input Pow-data
device = 0x20;
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x16); //Synch AD5660-2 set 1
*///Method to output Fb on I2C
void I2CCWn:: writeFb () {
writeRegister (OLATA,cw->get_Fb());
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x0d);
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x0e);
}//Method to output YIGDA on I2C
void I2CCWn:: writeYIGDA () {
writeRegister (OLATA,cw->get_YIGDA()>>8 ); //Output high Byte
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x01);
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x02);
writeRegister (OLATA,cw->get_YIGDA() & 0x00ff ) ; //Output low Byte
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x01);
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x02);
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x03);
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x02);
}//Method to output YIGFilter on I2C
void I2CCWn:: writeYIGFilter () {
writeRegister (OLATA,cw->get_YIGDA()>>8 ); //Output high Byte
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x04);
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x05);
writeRegister (OLATA,cw->get_YIGDA() & 0x00ff ) ; //Output low Byte
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x04);
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x05);
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x06);
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x05);}
//Method to output Koswitch on I2C
void I2CCWn:: writeKoswitch () {
writeRegister (OLATB,cw->get_Koswitch()); //Output Koswitch
}//Method to output Ndiv on I2C/SDI
//Method to output Phase on I2C
void I2CCWn::writePhase () {
writeRegister (OLATA, 0x00); //W0 Output for 6x REFCLK Multiplyer disabled
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x08);
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x07);
writeRegister (OLATA,cw->get_Phase()>>24 ); //W1
writeRegister (OLATA,cw.get_Phase()>>24 ); //W1
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x08);
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x07);
writeRegister (OLATA,cw->get_Phase()>>16 & 0x00ff); //W2
writeRegister (OLATA,cw.get_Phase()>>16 & 0x00ff); //W2
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x08);
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x07);
writeRegister (OLATA,cw->get_Phase()>>8 & 0x0000ff); //W3
writeRegister (OLATA,cw.get_Phase()>>8 & 0x0000ff); //W3
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x08);
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x07);
writeRegister (OLATA,cw->get_Phase() & 0x000000ff); //W4
writeRegister (OLATA,cw.get_Phase() & 0x000000ff); //W4
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x08);
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x09);
writeRegister (OLATB, 0x07);
}void I2CCWn::close(){
this->file = -1;
}I2CCWn:: ~I2CCWn() {
if(file!=-1) this->close();
} -
Please use coding tags when posting code. You can use the
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