Problem with Qt VS Tools
Hi Guys,
I am using Visual Studio with Qt Vs Tools at work and also at home.At work I am currently confronted with a problem. Every Time i want to register a Qt Version, Qt Vs tools tells me that the license check failed. I researched a lot(there is not much on the internet specifically to that problem, just one Stackoverflow post which ended up reinstalling the OS and I dont want to do that).
I deleted every file corresponding to VS and also QtMsBuild folder which comes along with the Qt Vs Tools.
I reinstalled Visual Studio, no success either.
So I ended up trying to reproduce the issue on my home Computer where I use Qt too but under Free license. I tried to delete the licenses and I could not reproduce it.
The folderstructure in home projects vs work projects in terms of Qt is the same.
Does anyone have advice and could help out?
Versions used:
VS: 16.9.3
Qt: 5.12.4
Compiler: msvc2019Thanks in advance.
If you have a licensed Qt at work, when not use the support options that come with it ?
You might get lucky here but its not something i have ever seen so might not be a very common case as you also discovered.