Stack and Break points panels are hidden when entering debug mode
My debugger just stopped showing stack and break points panels even if those two options are checked on the view list ( View > Views or right click on the debugger toolbar when it is in debug mode)
The Reset to default layout does not work either. I also can not adjust the height of debugger area.
But in the QML , all the panels act normally
Nothing seems work to bring back normal layout, I try upgrade to the latest QtC 4.14.1 or remove whole Qt and install it again. They just don't come back.
Another behavior I notice is when I checked the Stack in the list the debugger area show some space but it just empty but when I unchecked it, the height of the area reduce to minimal.
When the debug mode just start those panels show up in the position they suppose to be but they just show up 1 sec then change to how the screenshots look like.
does anyone have this layout problem before?
Not sure how to continue to use QtC if debugger is like this : /