What is the best for drawing a real time chart?
General and Desktop
Hi. There are ways to do a chart. For example, QCustom Plot, Qt Charts and there is qwt.
Which is the best way for doing it?
What is the most important difference between them?Thank you for answers
Well "best" is a very vague term but we can talk about the 3 mentionedQCustom Plot
- very easy to use. just 2 files to add to project. API is easy to understand.
- free for open source
- interface is easy to understand
- Docs not the best
- Not a native Qt solution
Qt Charts
- Many features
- Ready for use if installed. ( native to Qt)
- Can be used now for open source as far as i know
- Can be very hard to customize. Even with the good docs.
- Has Designer plugin so graphs can be used Design time
- Pretty fast
- Often you need to compile and integrate yourself.
- Not so beginner-friendly
Do note that the above points are just what I think. Others might have another view on say QChart.
That said, QCustom Plot is by far easier to use. So if you are in doubt then I would
go for QCustom Plot. -
There is example for real time here